SCP-763 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · Description: SCP-763 is a mass of human organic tissue occupying approximately three hundred (300) square meters of space with an estimated mass of over …
scp-076 - 百度百科
SCP-076-1是一个3m长,由黑色斑点变质岩形成的立方体。SCP-076-01的表里都被深深地雕刻了未与已知文明对应的图案。根据 放射性同位素 分析,该物体已存在约一万(10000)年。其 …
SCP-063 - SCP基金会
SCP-063有一种能够毫不费力地穿透任何一切已死亡的物体或无机物的能力,此能力集中于它的刷毛上。 触及刷毛的物体不会像被刀划过的物体一样被切裂,而是完全消失,不留任何痕迹。 …
机密档案-仅可查阅 - SCP基金会
SCP-073 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · SCP-073, who refers to itself as "Cain", is generally polite and genial to all who speak to it, though it has been described as being cold and somewhat mechanical in its …
SCP-173(雕像-最初之作) - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
SCP-173是网络作品/虚构组织SCP基金会(Special Containment Procedures Foundation)的登场角色/收容物,是基金会历史上的第一篇文档,也是最著名的收容物之一,原作者Moto42,翻 …
SCP-076 - 나무위키
2025年1月11日 · SCP-076-1은 자물쇠와 사슬로 내부가 단단히 잠긴 3m짜리 정육면체형 방이고, SCP-076-2은 196cm의 키, 검은 머리칼과 올리브색 피부, 상어처럼 날카롭고 촘촘히 난 이빨을 …
The SCP Foundation: An Introduction | Mrs. Nightmare
SCP-0763, also known as “The Radioactive Man”. It is a human being who emits a high level of radiation. SCP-682, also known as “The Hard-To-Destroy Reptile” or “The Unstoppable Monster”.
SCP-076 (「亞伯」) - 萌娘百科 萬物皆可萌的百科全書
SCP-076-1是一個3m長,由黑色斑點變質岩形成的立方體。 SCP-076-1的表里都被深深地雕刻了未與已知文明對應的圖案。 根據放射性同位素分析,該物體已存在約一萬(10000)年。 其 …
SCP-073 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Cain el Adam, known as SCP-073 by the SCP Foundation, is the son of Adam el Asem, the First King of Men. He was cursed by his father and banished from Audapaupadopolis. Cain …