SCP-577-TH - SCP Foundation - scpwiki.com
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure ...
26 June Well, this is fucked I heard the damnedest thing last week, I was wallflowering at an AWCY meet up in Boise (the fuck is with that town anyway?) – sipping on a scotch I
Cool War 4: Remnants Of Zmurgath's Cave - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.
Revamped Underread And Underrated - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure ...
SCP-2879 - SCP Foundation - scpwiki.com
Contents of packages received from SCP-2879-1 are to be logged, photographed, and incinerated. Severe penalties are enforced if any personnel attempt to keep packages for themselves or conduct testing anywhere other than the designated residence. Description: SCP-2879 is a [REDACTED]-brand Video Home System (VHS) player circa 19 . SCP-2879 ...
SCP-3687 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-3687. Object Class: Euclid 1. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3687-A and SCP-3687-B are to be installed in an SCP-3687-1 instance, having dimensions 10cm x 10cm, and held within a heat resistant containment locker capable of withstanding a temperature range of -100ºC–500ºC. SCP-3687-A and B are to each have a digital ...
SCP-1047 - SCP Foundation - scpwiki.com
Item#: SCP-1047 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-1047-1 through -5 are to be individually shrink-wrapped in a nitrogenous atmosphere to minimize their exposure to atmospheric carbon dioxide, and stored in standard inanimate-object lockers equipped with atmospheric sensors to measure carbon dioxide concentrations, and automatic halon dispensers set to ...
SCP-067-TL - SCP Foundation - scpwiki.com
Item #: SCP-067-TL Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-067-TL is currently contained at Site- , a specialized SCP Foundation facility dedicated to handling the containment of anomalies possessing cultural relevance; the object is encased within a plastic containment unit measuring 22.86 cm in height and 10.16 cm in width.
Disseminated Documentation 1985-Alpha - SCP Foundation
Excursion 310-DJ4-9LK Priming: SCP-765 (success) Trigger: Standard lethal injection Equipment: Standard Reality Description: SCP-1985 initially arrived in the core of an active volcano and expired.
SCP-1587 - SCP Foundation - scpwiki.com
Item #: SCP-1587. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1587 is to be stored within a padded crate of suitable size. Requests for access to SCP-1587 must be made in writing to site command. Only one subject at a time is …