SCP-909 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-909 appears to be a young adult Caucasian male suffering from permanent anterograde amnesia. SCP-909 seems to be aware of his condition but cannot recall experiences past this, aside from memories gained due to SCP-909's effects.
SCP-909 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Unknown, now branded as Mr. Forgetful by Doctor Wondertainment and classified by the SCP Foundation as SCP-909, is a young adult human male that used to work for the Foundation that was changed by Wondertainment[2] to suffer from permanent anterograde amnesia and remove memories from people when...
SCP-090 - SCP Foundation
2023年1月3日 · SCP-090 is a black cubic structure [20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm] made of an unknown ceramic material. Object is classified as indestructible following tests outlined in Document 090-B [Unattached]. Each side is divided into ten thousand individual squares in arrangement similar to a Rubik's cube [100 segments per edge, each segment 2mm wide].
SCP-009 - SCP Foundation
2024年9月30日 · Description: SCP-009 is approximately liters of a substance which superficially resembles distilled water (H 2 O), except with a distinct bright red hue. This red hue is discernible in all phases, and serves as the most expedient method of identifying contaminated matter before its anomalous properties manifest.
SCP-909 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-909 is an adult male who forgets everything after a short amount of time. The only exception to this is if he writes down information he still remembers. In that case, he will be able to remember the information, but everyone else …
SCP-0909 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2017年10月22日 · Description: SCP-0909 is an old children's pizzeria known as "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza". Several murders and kidnappings have happened at SCP-0909, but the pizzeria is never shut down. After several employees went missing, the Foundation was notified and the investigation started.
SCP-909 | Wiki Fundação SCP | Fandom
SCP-909 é alérgico a amendoim e entrará em choque anafilático após a ingestão de qualquer produto de amendoim. SCP-909 foi descoberto na Entrada [EXPURGADO] do Sítio- . Adendo 909-1: As palavras "Sr. Esquecido, da Little Misters ® por Dr. Wondertainment" estão tatuadas na panturrilha direita de SCP-909.
SCP: 0909 - the shadow that stretch's | Wiki | Scp Oc's And Art …
SCP: 0909 is Euclid class for the fact that it has the ability to come out of any shadow that is in it's area, however it can not use this ability in broad daylight as darkness and light don't mix, and that is why it's so hard to contain it is also extremely dangerous as talked about earlier.
909 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
Item #: SCP-909. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-909 is to be kept in a large scientific containment chamber, accessible by personnel via a locked door at the end of a long hallway. A single video camera is permitted in the containment area, but no other surveillance equipment may be used.
Description: SCP-909 appears to be a young adult Caucasian male suffering from permanent anterograde amnesia. SCP-909 seems to be aware of his condition but cannot recall experiences past this, aside from memories gained due to SCP-909's effects.
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