SCP-10010 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Description: SCP-10010 is A broken Cuckoo clock, made between 1620-1700. The type of SCP-10010 is a Black Forest cuckoo clock. SCP-10010 is split into 8 pieces, 2 of which are anomalous, while six of them is the parts of SCP-10010.
SCP-10101 - 百度百科
SCP-10101-J「万物之王Jack」是网络共笔怪谈文学《SCP基金会》系列中的角色之一,属于J系列搞笑条目。 设定极其无脑强大的英俊少年,自称为“万物之王Jack”。
SCP-10010 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
描述:scp-10010为标准的 人形实体 ,身高约为1.783米,其主要构成成分为碳基细胞,外观类似中国青年男性,力量速度与普通男性一致,具备远超scp-682的不死性。
SCP-CN-1000 - SCP基金会
该设备可以在0.2秒内完成术式定义,吟唱和回火引导,使得SAP-001得以在相当于人类眨眼的时间中移动200米。 唯一的缺陷是启动后该设备会产生废料,其性状类似粪便和血液的混合物。 拆除了所有武器,重新编写了作战程序。
2020年6月9日 · SCP-10010 has unnaturally sharp fingernails, which doctors have confirmed to be just a genetic trait, nothing anomalus. However, the SCP has lost her sense of sight, as her eyes are white-ish gray and cloudy. 10010 still has all the other senses, which seem to be heightened in place of her sight.
SCP-10010 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
Description: 10010 is a small handheld chuch bell measuring 6 cm tall, 4 cm wide, and covered in intricate carvings that, when viewed under a microscope, appear to twist and move along the bell's surface. An ethereal, black flame is sometimes reported to emanate from within the bell, but no signs of an ignition or fuel source are ever found.
SCP-10010 | Fandom
SCP tales: SCP 9506 and SCP 10000: A Broken Race; Gone. Code Red: An SCP Scenario; What the hell was that? Poison (Battlestation’s Code Red pt.1) Palseicanbecutetoo/Scenario thing; Oh god; 𖠋 GOI Formats. The Blue Heart; A Retired Man; UTE-9534-Kapala; UIU File: 001; BST-001; BST-002;
SCP-1000 - SCP基金会
SCP-1000 - 百度百科
SCP-1000「大脚怪」是网络新怪谈《SCP基金会》系列中的超自然生物种族,又称“夜之子”。 曾在太古支配地球的灵长类动物,智慧与文明程度远超过现代人类,但因不明原因其地位被人类取代。 因担心会因其残余引发SK级支配地位转变,被基金会控制舆论宣传为著名传说生物“大脚怪”以掩盖真相,并竭力消灭一切被发现的该种群个体。 SCP-1000归入人族分支,与 人属 、 黑猩猩 属并列,昼伏夜出 ,杂食性。 成年个体身高1.5-3米,体重90-270公斤。 有灰色,棕色,黑色, …
SCP-1010 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月13日 · SCP-1010 synthesizes glucose through an abnormally fast rate of photosynthesis. The water required is absorbed through the hands and feet of SCP-1010, which have a physiological structure similar to a root system. SCP-1010 has a weight of approximately 25 kilograms and a height of 153cm.
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