SCP-1011 - SCP Foundation
SCP-1011's anomalous properties manifest when it is seen by human subjects who will engage in productive labor no later than three hours after the sighting, and escalate slowly with additional …
SCP-10011 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
SCP-10011 walks at an average of about 10 to 12 kilometers per hour. Whenever it walks, a tremor can be felt from 1 kilometer of the area. It doesn't walk very often around the area. It …
Scp-10011”Ms. Anonymous” | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
2018年6月21日 · Scp-10011 has the ability to bring up a code like screen from small green projectors hidden on its wrists under there sleeves. With this Scp-10011 is able to effect …
SCP Series 2 - SCP Foundation
2025年1月19日 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.
实验记录10011-a: 博士命令6名特工进入SCP-10011,并根据指示启动跃迁引擎,目的地设置为1942年6月5日(中途岛海战中赤城号航母被击沉的日子)30°30′N、178°40′W(赤城号航母沉 …
SCP-CN-1999 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-CN-1999是一位于地表上空的不明实体。 实体会在不确定的时间出现在随机地点上空,并在一段时间后消失。 一般情况下,同一时间,地球上总会有3处以上的SCP-CN-1999出 …
GitHub - scp10011/xiaoai_hook: 小爱拦截器基于go实现
小爱拦截器基于go实现. Contribute to scp10011/xiaoai_hook development by creating an account on GitHub.
SCP文档|SCP-1000大脚怪 | 机核 GCORES
SCP-1000与原始人类同时演化,直到10000-15000年前,一次大规模灭绝事件,使其种群数量减少到原有的1-5%。 此灭绝事件由SCP-1000所感染的一种“假性病”引起,该假性病编号为SCP …
SCP-231 - SCP基金会
Fondazione SCP (-IT) Фонд SCP (-UA) Fundação SCP (-PT/BR) SCP Nadace (-CS) Tổ Chức SCP (-VN) 背景资料 关于基金会 相关组织 项目等级 职员档案 安保许可等级 安保设施 机动特 …
SCP-1001 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-1001 is a single plant apparently belonging to an undescribed species of Welwitschia. Unlike other Welwitschia species, it has a tree-like trunk which broadens into a …
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