SCP-1026 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-1026 is an entity that produces a powerful mental effect on any human observer who views it directly. This effect causes observers to become completely convinced that SCP-1026 is someone who they know and trust, typically a family member or close friend.
SCP-1026:“醉乌” | SCP基金会 Wiki | Fandom
项目编号:SCP-1026 项目等级:Apollyon 特殊收容措施:SCP-1026位于[绝对现实]幻想空间中。以[绝对]为基准吸引泛宇宙的目光。其外置体常以人形态出现,出现于各次元以自我为中心向外部发散,吸收其认知范围内的益。基金会曾试图对他收容,最后收容失败。 ta允许传播外置体的图片和视频,但外置体 ...
SCP-1026-RU - SCP International - Wikidot
SCP-1026 is sentient, capable of responding normally to external stimuli when calm, and able to carry on a conversation if the interviewer is out of SCP-1026's direct line of sight. Based on interview results, the subject has a high rate of conversational awareness, and is able to support a discussion on almost any topic that is not related to ...
SCP-1026 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
scp-1026-你知道的某人 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年6月13日 · scp-1026有能力说话;尽管如此,其话语声十分凌乱和扭曲,只有观察者本人才能听到完美的普通人声。scp-1026同时表现出一种可以完全与观察者的思考和解决问题能力同步的能力,并且性情相当温顺(见附录#1026-1)。 备忘:以我的角度来说,scp-1026似乎存在于 ...
SCP-1026 - Someone You Know/你的某个熟人 - longluntan
scp-1026-b的尸检报告 在意外消灭了SCP-1206-B后,它的尸体失去了其异常属性,似乎变成一具普通的人类尸体(经证实是D-5582)。 博士申请了对该个体进行尸检的批准。
SCP-1026-J - SCP基金会
建议工作人员避免以任何名义提起SCP-1026-J,以避免被该项目理解为侵犯性口头敌对行为,SCP-1026-J的攻击力有上升到 SCP-118-J 的级别的潜力。 描述: SCP-1026-J是一个模糊的人形实体,具有异常的特性,似乎会影响关于其外观的记忆和信息。 其特性主要表现为不可能记住其名字。 与SCP-1026-J交谈的受试者相信知道其名字,并且在谈话中经常用这个名字来代表它,尽管这个名字通常是不正确的,并且经常会中断与SCP-1026-J沟通的尝试,因为它会在有人说出 …
SCP-CN-1026 - SCP基金会
2019年7月16日 · 你正在访问scp-cn-1026文档,该文档对心理的影响是传递性的,请进行必要的心理状态检查 进行人工自动心理状态扫描(点击按键后盯向屏幕中央五秒) + 开始扫描
SCP-1026-RU | Villains Wiki | Fandom
SCP-1026-RU (also known as Dark Ego), is an antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Euclid-class, black humanoid figure that insults and attacks people who come into visual contact with it before being contained by the Russian branch of the Foundation.
SCP-1026-RU | The SCP Articles Wiki | Fandom
SCP-1026 appears as a black humanoid figure with no distinguishable age or gender. SCP-1026's height is measured at 191 cm, weight ranges from 30 to 70 kg. Facial features are extremely hypertrophied: its eyes are red and oval shaped, whilst emitting a slight glow. SCP-1026's mouth is a wide white smile that shifts size whilst talking.
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