SCP-987 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · SCP-987-1 (commonly referred to as 'the Curator') is an endothermic area approximately 0.5 x 0.5 x 2 meters that moves at ground level. It drains heat in a radius that varies from 1 to 2 meters. It also has demonstrated the ability to manipulate objects up to 150 kg in mass, at a distance up to 8 meters away.
SCP-1098 - SCP Foundation
All guards are to wear full-ear headphones equipped with active filters designed to scramble human speech. Description: SCP-1098 is a -syllable word, with a phoneme pattern consistent with origin among modern speakers of American English. It appears to …
SCP—087 - 哔哩哔哩
描述:SCP-087是一个完全黑暗的平台楼梯,每层是斜38度的13阶楼梯,楼层之间是一个180度的大概直径3米的半圆平台,由于在SCP-087里面可见度只有1.5个阶梯,并且没有任何的壁灯和窗户,所以任何去探索SCP-087的人员必须配备照明设备,光源75瓦足够,超过75瓦不会有更好的照明效果,因为SCP-087似乎可以吸收过多的光线。 SCP—087-1. 图片B,SCP-087-1;从图片A中的局部放大图片。 (见图片A) 探索报告和声音记录证明当从门口走到大概两百米以下的时 …
SCP-1087 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月8日 · SCP-1087-1 will be secreted from all exocrine glands simultaneously, emerging in the subject's blood, saliva, sweat, and waste fluids. Affected subjects will produce this pheromone at high concentrations (up to mg/L), leading to eventual exhaustion and dehydration.
SCP-10987 | Wiki | SCP Foundation (RP) Amino - Amino Apps
Containment: SCP 10987 is to be contained in a cube made out of steel. The size of this cube should be the same size for D-Class cells as subject gets uncomfortable when the area is too large. The outside area should have heat resistant glass and …
SCP-2139-JP - SCP財団
D-10987は24時間分の電池残量のある75ワットの投光器を装備し、ストリーム通信を行なう小型ビデオカメラ及び、管制室にいる 博士との通信用のマイクヘッドホンを携帯しています。 また、D-10987はバックパック内に水3.75リットル・栄養バー15本・サーマルブランケット1枚を持たせられています。 D-10987は2名の作業員とともに SCP-087 に進入します。 被験者が作業員を照らしている間、作業員はそれぞれ800m・1600mのロープに補給物資を結び付け、最上 …
Long boi | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2019年10月30日 · I got bored in at class and decided to make an scp! I haven't decided on a number yet but basically this lizard looking scp grows a foot longer with age. The current one in captivity is said to be about 17 feet tall currently.
The SCP Foundation: Area-02 - Entry-003: New Discoveries
The SCP Foundation: Area-02 Horror. Able Nochenva Novia checking in. Everything seems normal here in this area of the foundation. Subject number 10987 seems to be okay as much as allowed. She has lessened her attacks on me as of late and I …
Scp - 9991 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
SCP-10987 Author Reply to: SCP 6783 (Dr. Steinbach) I tips too fast, and my autocorrect doesn't fix the errors, so I'm blaming autocorrect for every miss spelled word I guess
987 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-987 is a pair of designer sunglasses. Upon close examination, the lenses are not made of glass, but appear to be a combination of plastic and reflective metal. The frame appears to have been scraped off of a pair of sunglasses that had been damaged during transportation, and was reattached with epoxy glue.