SCP-1242 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月21日 · Item #: SCP-1242. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1242 is to be contained in two adjoining rooms measuring 2m x 2m x 3m capable of sustaining quarantine for a Category A, UN 2814 biohazard. …
SCP Foundation: SCPs 1200 to 1299 Recap - TV Tropes
SCP-1242 is an adolescent Caucasian man who communicates primarily in English and is both intelligent and generally cooperative with Foundation personnel. 1242’s anomalous feature is a retro-viral agent, hereafter referred to as SCP-1242-1, that is exuded from his orifices and glands, which is 99.9% infectious when transmitted by direct skin ...
The Body Altering Retrovirus Explored | SCP - 1242 Gene Altering ...
2021年9月28日 · SCP 1242 being a retrovirus, makes it a much more difficult illness to contain. Possessing the reverse transcriptase that it needs to embed its own genetic coding into your DNA, it is able to...
Horror Story Animated | SCP-1242: A Day in the Life of the …
Horror Story Animated | SCP-1242: A Day in the Life of the Foundation's CattleHi, Thanks for watching our video about SCP-1242: A Day in the Life of the Foun...
SCP - 1242 - YouTube
2017年9月19日 · Imagine if a disease could rob you of your identity, Imagine if conformity could be contagious? ...more.
SCP-1242-JP - SCP International - Wikidot
The anomaly, defined as SCP-1242-JP, occurs when an individual (henceforth, "the subject") enters a bathroom partition and relieves themselves. When these criteria are met, the subject is instantly sucked into the toilet pipe with a flash of light.
SCP-1242 | Wiki La Fundación SCP | Fandom
Descripción: SCP-1242 es un adolescente caucásico de 137 cm de altura y 41 kg de peso. El sujeto se comunica principalmente en inglés, es inteligente y generalmente coopera con el personal de la Fundación. El sujeto exuda un agente retro-viral, de ahora en adelante denominado SCP-1242-1, de todos sus orificios y glándulas corporales.
SCP-CN-1242 Lv.5 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-CN-1242为一本名为《吞典》的, 异常宗教“吞目教” 的经典,其书皮材质为 世界树的皮,书页材质为 牡鹿的皮,书皮上覆盖着少许无法去除的未辨识红色菌类。 SCP-CN-1242分为《传》与《食》两个部分,《传》记载了“吞目教”所信仰的顶点全功能实体的事迹,《食》记载了“吞目教”信徒所研究的,杀死顶点多功能实体并通过某种方式将其用以增强自身的方法。 具体内 …
Series Ii - SCP Foundation [O7]
2024年11月26日 · The SCP Foundation have categorized each anomaly with its own designation, some anomalies may not appear, or pages created until you have the appropriate clearance level. The Administrator. SCP-1056 - Re-size It! SCP-1085 - Pound Off the Pounds! SCP-1293 - Squeedle Deedle Dee! SCP-1431 - Scavenger Hunt! SCP-1444 - Hunger. SCP-1456 - "You've …
SCP-1242 - SCP財団
"SCP-1242: The Invisible Creature That Hunts at Night - YouTube
"Uncover the terrifying mystery of SCP-1242, an invisible creature that prowls the night, hunting anyone who dares to cross its path. Its eerie ability to remain unseen makes it one of the most...
SCP-CN系列 2 - SCP基金会
2024年11月11日 · 在底下你可以寻得各系列列表的再创作,其中包括网站上所有以个别scp主演、大量出场或是其它方面的作品,将它们排在各个条目底下提供你阅读的乐趣。
SCP-1242 - Вирусный доппельгангер
SCP-1242-1 содержит необычно большое количество разрозненного генетического материала и действует непосредственно на генетическом и клеточном уровне, временно превращая каждую отдельную клетку в стволовую, после чего переделывая её в новую клетку. Заражённые лица обозначаются как SCP-1242-1a и подлежат немедленному …
SCP-1242 | Wiki Fundação SCP | Fandom
Item n°: SCP-1242. Classe do Objeto: Euclídeo. Nome do SCP: Vírus de Doppelganger. Procedimentos Especiais de Contenção: SCP-1242 deve ser contido em duas salas adjacentes medindo 2m x 2m x 3m, capazes de sustentar quarentena para um risco biológico Categoria A, UN 2814. Os quartos devem ser separados por uma câmara de descompressão.
SCP-CN-1242 - SCP基金会
How many Creation Myths do we have and how relevant are they?
2024年4月15日 · There is the [[Spark of Light]] tale, there is [[Chapter 1 Verse 1]] and [[Vision At Betar]], there is SCP-4010, SCP-CN-2510, SCP-CN-1242, [[The Song]] from SCP CN branch, there is the Placeholderverse explanation, and several more.
SCP-1242-JP - SCP財団
説明: SCP-1242-JPは、 県 市内に所在するショッピングモール「 」に存在する、全ての個室トイレで不規則に発生する異常現象です。 SCP-1242-JPと定義される異常現象は、該当する個室トイレに入室し用を足す事で発現します(以下この人物を"対象"と呼称)。 対象がこの条件をクリアした場合、閃光と共に瞬時にトイレの水道管内に取り込まれます。 この際に財団による …
The Elvis Shop London Home :: Worldwide EP's :: Japan :: SCP-1242 …
SCP-1242 WEAR MY RING AROUND YOUR NECK - Compact 33 Blue Lbl / Gloss Card Cvr / Inc Lyric Sheet / Disc VG+ Code #76
SCP-1242 | Fundação SCP Global Wiki | Fandom
SCP-1242-1 contém uma quantidade anormalmente grande de material genético fragmentado e age diretamente no nível genético e celular, revertendo temporariamente cada célula individual para o estágio de célula-tronco por meio de um processo desconhecido antes de refazê-la como uma nova célula.
History of Jefferson County
Perry Lake, dedicated in 1970, is the third largest lake in Kansas, covering 12,200 acres. The Corps of Engineers operates Perry Lake’s recreational areas and wildlife preservation. The Jefferson County Historical Society was organized in January 1966. Its main project is the recreation of Old Jefferson Town.