SCP-125-FR - SCP International
Item #: SCP-125-FR. Threat Level: Yellow Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-125-FR is to be stored in a secure, armored hangar at Site-Zayin. SCP-125-FR is to be placed on a raised concrete block so that its tracks do not touch the ground.
Entry Page: 125-FR | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
2014年9月24日 · D-4556 Object Classes Euclid Threat Levels Yellow 20th Century CE 1910s 1917 World War I Battle of Cambrai SCP Foundation Francophone Branch Scientific Department Class-D Personnel Earth Europe Belgium Brussels Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History Germany Site-Zayin SCP-125-FR...
SCP-125-FR - Fondation SCP
SCP-125-FR affiche deux phénomènes anormaux : premièrement bien que dénué d’équipage, l’objet est capable de se mouvoir seul à la vitesse de 6 km/h et de faire feu de toutes ses armes. Il semble être doté d’une forme basique de conscience : l’objet ne fait pas preuve d’hostilité sauf si on tente de l’endommager, de le ...
SCP-125-FR 马克IV型 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年8月20日 · 描述 : SCP-125-FR是一辆1917年6月生产的Mk IV“雄性”型坦克,车号为9601024。 其长8.05米,宽4.11米,高2.46米,重二十八(28)吨。 主要火力由2门6磅炮与4挺刘易斯303机枪组成,尽管设备老旧,但皆能良好运行。 此外项目似乎不需要燃料与弹药补给即拥有作战能力。 SCP-125-FR 在位于布鲁塞尔军队博物馆追逐几名德国游客的事件之后被控制收容。 现无法解释为何项目在该事件之前保持静止。 博物馆铭牌提到SCP-125-FR被比利时考古学家 …
SCP-125-FR - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-125-FR. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-125-FR is to be kept in a reinforced garage at Site-Zayin. Laconic Description: SCP-125-FR is an animate tank. Anyone who attempts to enter SCP-125-FR will disappear.
SCP-125 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月2日 · Description: SCP-125 is an apparently sentient "being" that can only exist within reflections. At rest and viewed up front, it takes the form of a black circle 17.2mm in diameter resting on the reflective surface.
The Living Tank | SCP-125-FR (SCP Library) - YouTube
Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from ...
Armed Site-Zayin | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP Foundation Armed Site-Zayin (French: Site Armé-Zayin de la Fondation SCP) is an SCP Foundation site operated by the Francophone Branch; despite it being a separate site, it is considered an extension of Site- due to only being km away. Site …
SCP-125-FR - SCP財団
SCP-125-FR - Fondazione SCP
Descrizione: SCP-125-FR è un carro armato britannico Mark IV (male) datato Giugno 1917 e dal numero di serie 9601024. È lungo 8.05 m, largo 4.11 m e alto 2.46 m e pesa ventotto (28) tonnellate. Il suo armamento è composto da due (2) cannoni da 6 libbre (2×5.7 cm) e quattro (4) mitragliatori completamente funzionanti nonostante l'età.