SCP-132 - SCP Foundation
2022年9月30日 · Description: SCP-132 takes the form of a series of glass tetrahedrons, each with a side length of 10.3 centimeters. Each instance of SCP-132 appears to contain a patch of desert sand. Occasionally scorpions and other desert creatures enter the confines of an instance of SCP-132 as if it were a continuous piece of desert.
SCP-132 - SCP基金会
事故记录132-01: R 博士,目前驻扎在Area- ,报告说将SCP-132-71从她的桌子上打落在地。 在撞击地面时,SCP-132-71破碎了,并且R 的办公室遭受了猛烈强风的冲击。
SCP-132-ARC - SCP基金会
允许SCP-132在单一一名等级1以上的人员监督下暂时离开特殊收容措施。 要对所有与SCP-132进行互动的人员进行评估,以确定他们没有现代性精神创伤的个人问题。
SCP-132 - 破碎沙漠 - SCP基金會
描述: SCP-132是共 個的一系列玻璃正四面體,每個正四面體的邊長都是10.3公分。 SCP-132的每個實體內部都包含一片沙漠的沙子。 偶爾會有蠍子或其他沙漠生物會進入SCP-132的邊界內部,宛如它屬於一片連續的沙漠。 SCP-132內部的生物察覺不到項目外部的世界,同時,試圖影響SCP-132內部的活動也全數失敗。 在SCP-132內觀察到的動物紀錄並不一致。 有好幾組連續的項目實例存在,其內部的景觀也是連續的,並且被證實屬於地球上的各大主要沙漠。 目前仍未 …
SCP-CN-132 - SCP基金会
2017年6月25日 · SCP-CN-132四周应设有围墙与外界隔离,并设置监控点以防止平民闯入。 所有未授权进入人员将被拘留、询问、记录并在A级记忆消除后释放。 所有对SCP-CN-132的实验必须由1名该项目3级人员与伦理道德委员会同时批准才可进行。 进入SCP-CN-132的女性应佩戴嘴部遮盖物品。 除实验要求外,严禁任何女性食用SCP-CN-132-B内的任何食物。 食用了SCP-CN-132-B内食物的女性将被监视直到至少一名SCP-CN-132-1个体产生,随后可视具体情况决定是否 …
SCP-132-ARC - SCP Foundation
2024年4月23日 · Description: SCP-132 is an ethnic Palauan human female in her early to mid twenties, with a height of approximately 152 centimetres and a mass of approximately 52 kilograms. SCP-132 objects to being referred to by her SCP designation and prefers her own title, "Dolores". SCP-132 is of average intelligence, having an IQ of 113.
SCP-132 - 破碎沙漠 - 哔哩哔哩
在撞击地面时,SCP-132-71破碎了,并且R 的办公室遭受了猛烈强风的冲击。 其它SCP-132的拥有者证实SCP-132-71和附近的实例中显示的区域正在经历一场沙暴。
SCP Foundation: SCP-132
Description: SCP-132 takes the form of a series of glass tetrahedrons, each with a side length of 10.3 centimeters. Each instance of SCP-132 appears to contain a patch of desert sand. Occasionally scorpions and other desert creatures enter the confines of an instance of SCP-132 as if it were a continuous piece of desert.
Scp 132 | Fan Made SCP’s Wiki | Fandom
Scp 132, also known as tree kingdom reassembles a typical oak tree, except it has many more branches than any oak, a lot more, if you look at these branches, you will notice they fade into a different plant, this is due to the tree having one of every species of plant, including non-tree plants and even extinct plants, on each branch, the ...
Description: SCP-132 takes the form of a series of glass tetrahedrons, each with a side length of 10.3 centimeters. Each instance of SCP-132 appears to contain a patch of desert sand. Occasionally scorpions and other desert creatures enter the confines of an instance of SCP-132 as if it were a continuous piece of desert.
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