SCP-143-FR - SCP International - Wikidot
Description: SCP-143-FR is a fenced chicken coop located inside a farm in the department of Lozère, France. The latter was built during the late 1800s and was abandoned in 1905. As of today, no other location inside the farm appears to be affected by anomalous events. The farm has a surface area of two hundred and fifty square meters (250m²).
SCP-143-FR - SCP基金会
SCP-143 - 百度百科
SCP-143,刃木之森,网路共笔 文学作品 SCP基金会 系列中的 项目 之一。 其外形表现为300棵树木,外表上类似 日本樱花,其花瓣有极其锋利的边缘。 SCP-143是一圃共300棵的树种独一无二的树木,外表上类似Prunus x yedoensis(日本樱花)。 它们无法结出果实,而唯一已知繁殖方式是通过“根扦插”来从老样本上繁殖新树苗。 其花瓣呈现为淡淡的粉红色,略呈半透明,并且具有光滑玻璃的质感。 这些花瓣必须小心处理,由于具有锋利的边缘,人员操作不慎很容易切开肌肤 …
SCP-143-FR (SCP-143-FR) - [SCPL]SCP基金会:封锁 (SCP ... - MC …
scp-实体 这是一个将鸡变成半鸟类,半爬行类生物类似奥林匹亚火盗龙的生物。 在距离鸡15个方块范围内,每分钟都会对一只鸡进行改造,它可以改造15只鸡
SCP-143 - SCP Foundation
2023年7月31日 · Item #: SCP-143. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-143 is to be contained in the valley adjacent to Bio-Research Area-12, an area over 2 km². Area surrounding SCP-143 for up to 20 km, and all lines of sight from the surrounding hilltops, are to be denied public access. SCP-143 is to be watered twice every day on a ...
SCP-143 - [SCPL]SCP基金会:封锁 (SCP: Lockdown) - MC百科
scp-143是日本某传奇刀匠家族用来锻造最坚硬武士刀的材料。 原作描述: SCP-143是一圃共300棵的树种独一无二的树木,外表上类似Prunus x yedoensis(日本樱花)。 它们无法结出果实,而唯一已知繁殖方式是通过“根扦插”来从老样本上繁殖新树苗。 其花瓣呈现为淡淡的粉红色,略呈半透明,并且具有光滑玻璃的质感。 这些花瓣必须小心处理,由于具有锋利的边缘,人员操作不慎很容易切开肌肤。 其树干呈现为浅灰色,并且有符合预想的木纹,虽然木纹摸上去非常光 …
SCP-143-FR 读取令牌 (SCP-143-FR Token) - [SCPL]SCP基金
SCP-143-FR 读取令牌 (SCP-143-FR Token)资料的介绍页面,此资料来自模组[SCPL]SCP基金会:封锁 (SCP: Lockdown),我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft(我的世界)MOD(模组)物品资料介绍教程攻略和MOD下载。
SCP-143 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
The Bladewood tree, classified as SCP-143 ("Bladewood Grove"), is a species of Prunus x yedoensis (Japanese sakura) with extremely sharp and highly durable wood and petals. Originally planted by the family of swordmaker Amakuni, 143's original specimens are under protection of the Government of...
Description: SCP-143 is a plantation of 300 specimens of a unique type of tree. The trees are similar in appearance to Prunus x yedoensis (Japanese Sakura), or cherry blossoms. They bear no fruit, and the only known way of reproduction is by careful "own root" propagation using cut saplings from an older sample.
SCP-143 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-143 est une plantation de 300 spécimens d'un type d'arbre unique. Les arbres ressemblent en apparence à Prunus ×yedoenis (cerisier Yoshino) ou cerisier du Japon. Ils ne portent pas de fruits et la seule méthode de reproduction connue est le bouturage, en coupant minutieusement de jeunes pousses issues d'un spécimen plus ...
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