SCP-1508 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · Description: SCP-1508 is a humanoid entity composed of cardboard, paper, and plastic. SCP-1508 is fully autonomous, and moves with a humanoid gait. The words "Dr. …
SCP-1508 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-1508是一个由硬纸板,纸和塑料组成的人形实体。 SCP-1508行为完全自主,并且以人类步伐行走。 黑色墨迹的文字“Dr. Wondertainment©2003”被印刷在其背部。 在最初将其收容 …
SCP-1508 | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
SCP-1508, also known as Mikey, the Chore Buddy, is a character in the SCP Foundation series. It was a cardboard toy robot created by Dr. Wondertainment to help children in their chores. It …
SCP基金会前100名作品排行榜 - 百度贴吧
2025年3月13日 · 第78名:Clef博士教研班的文字记录,“现实扭曲者与你:怎样在现实并不存在时生存下来。 ”ᵉⁿ,1597分. 当年入坑基金会,我就是按着评分排名从高到低看下来的。 当时基金 …
SCP-1508 Mikey's Chore | object class neutralized | Doctor ...
2015年10月19日 · When unrestrained, SCP-1508 will attempt to assist the nearest human subject with any chores or menial activities being performed. SCP-1508 appears to prefer working with …
SCP 1508 | SCP Foundation Amino
2017年2月9日 · Description: SCP-1508 is a humanoid entity composed of cardboard, paper, and plastic. SCP-1508 is fully autonomous, and moves with a humanoid gait. The words "Dr. …
SCP-1508 - La Fundación SCP
Descripción: SCP-1508 es una entidad humanoide compuesta de cartón, papel y plástico. SCP-1508 es totalmente autónomo y se desplaza de una forma humanoide. Las palabras "Dr. …
SCP-CN-1508 1 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
SCP-CN-1508内部含有一种微球型RNA细菌病毒(SCP-CN-1508-α),同时在其表面发现多处淡黄色菌落,菌落中细菌(SCP-CN-1508-β)细胞质的某种未知成分可与SCP-CN-1508表面金 …
SCP-1508 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-1508 Object Class: Neutralized Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-1508 is has shut itself down. Laconic Description: SCP-1508 is a cardboard robot named Mikey the Chore …
SCP-1508 - Tổ Chức SCP
SCP-1508 trong quá trình quản thúc ban đầu. Mã vật thể: SCP-1508. Phân loại: Safe Neutralized. Qui trình Quản thúc Đặc biệt: SCP-1508 được giữ bên trong một buồng chứa nằm tại Điểm …