SCP-1616 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月8日 · Description: SCP-1616 is a common hamster with no genetic abnormalities. The subject behaves as a normal hamster would. Anomalous properties of SCP-1616 present themselves when SCP-1616 begins feeding. One or both of SCP-1616's cheeks will expand, containing an object previously seen by SCP-1616.
SCP-1661 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月8日 · All SCP-1661 are capable of self-directed flight through unknown means, and posses an aptitude for swift, coordinated maneuverability. While SCP-1661 display some degree of sapience, attempts at communication have been ineffective.
SCP-166 - SCP Foundation
2024年3月26日 · SCP-166 was confirmed by a defecting Global Occult Coalition agent to be the child of Threat Entity 9927-Black ("The Goddess"), also known as SCP- , who was terminated by a GOC strike team in what would be known as the Cornwall Incident.
SCP-166 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月1日 · Description: SCP-166 appears to be a Semitic female in her late 20s; however, SCP-166's body is non-baryonic in composition, and lacks much of the metabolic functions of ordinary humans. SCP-166 is the focal point of an ontokinetic field that alters the properties and appearances of surrounding matter.
SCP-116 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月23日 · SCP-116 is entirely capable of independent movement, but to do so would cause multiple shattering breaks to all bones affected by said movement. To combat this, SCP-116 shows remarkable self-healing, and over a period of minutes can completely regenerate its rigid bone placement.
SCP-616 - SCP Foundation
SCP-616-1 is a standard emergency door, though partially covered in extensive markings associated with Satanic cults adhering to [REDACTED]. SCP-616-1 can be opened without major incident when grounded, and leads to the outside of the aircraft as expected.
A Semi-Comprehensive List of Species of Interest - SCP ... - SCP …
2025年3月4日 · SCP-CN-1616 - Chinese Ginger (untranslated) SCP-4547-C1 One of the many xenoplants on Mo'ara was SCP-4547-C1, a now extinct xenoplant species that formerly possessed sapience and psionic abilities.
SCP-1615 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月21日 · All areas which have experienced SCP-1615 contamination are to be monitored for a possible resurgence in SCP-1615-1 cases. Description: SCP-1615 is a species of fungus which belongs to a previously unidentified phylum, similar to mold, that is capable of forming colonies on organic material.
SCP-1666 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-1666. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1666 is to be kept in a secure storage facility, stored in its original sleeve and protected by a padded polymer envelope. SCP-1666 itself must be kept from excessive heat or moisture and is only to be tested with level 4 authorization. All such tests must be non-invasive ...
SCP-1617 - SCP Foundation
2022年4月22日 · Item #: SCP-1617. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: All contained SCP-1617 instances are to be held within Safe class storage lockers within Site-39. SCP-1617 instances require incidental cleaning once per six months to …