SCP-1736 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月21日 · Item #: SCP-1736. Object Class: Keter. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1736-1 is to be sedated and kept in a radiation-shielded containment cell. SCP-1736-1 must be kept restrained at all times, and nutrition and hydration shall be administered intravenously.
SCP-1736 - SCP基金会
SCP-1736-1的生命迹象将被持续远程监控,任何生命威胁变化都将触发全站级代号-1736-橙色警报直至SCP-1736-1被稳定或死亡。 SCP-1736-1的死亡将触发全基金会级代号-1736-深红警报直至SCP-1736-1被再次收容。 当前已知同一时间仅有一名SCP-1736-1存在。 发现收容外任何其他SCP-1736-1将触发全基金会级代号-1736-黑色警报,全部可用资源将转移到对所有已知SCP-1736-1个体的立即逮捕收容上。 SCP-1736-2个体收容在标准人形收容间内,并持续监控其电离辐 …
SCP-1736 - Villains Wiki
SCP-1736, also known as the Voice of the Light, is a hostile organization in the SCP Foundation series. They are a small but formidable cult that is comprised of individuals brainwashed by He-Who-Made-Light. Members seek to engulf the world in the light of their deity by summoning him and purifying the world of He-Who-Made-Dark 's influence.
SCP-1736 | The SCP Articles Wiki | Fandom
Item Number: SCP-1736 Object Class: Keter Codename: Voice of the Light SCP-1736-1 is to be sedated and kept in a radiation-shielded containment cell. SCP-1736-1 must be kept restrained at all times, and nutrition and hydration shall be administered intravenously. No lights …
SCP-CN系列 2 - SCP基金会
2024年11月11日 · scp-cn故事主列表. 在底下你可以寻得各系列列表的再创作,其中包括网站上所有以个别scp主演、大量出场或是其它方面的作品,将它们排在各个条目底下提供你阅读的乐趣。 scp-cn系列1故事版; scp-cn系列2故事版; scp-cn系列3故事版
SCP-1736 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
SCP-1736 is a Keter class object in Series I written by S. Andrew Swann, and a part of the "He Who Made Dark" and "He Who Made Light" mini-canons. SCP-1736 concerns a religious cult devoted to the preaching and worship of the deific entity known as "He Who Made Light".
SCP-1736 | Antagonists Wiki | Fandom
SCP-1736, also known as the Voice of the Light, is a hostile organization in the SCP Foundation series. They are a small but formidable cult that is comprised of individuals brainwashed by He-Who-Made-Light. Members seek to engulf the world …
SCP-1736-JP - SCP財団
説明: scp-1736-jpは、日本全国の鉄道車両の連動式自動ドアに不定期 1 に発生する異常現象です。scp-1736-jpが発生すると、閉扉を妨げる物体が存在しないにも関わらずドア挟み検知機能が作動します。
SCP-1736 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Description: SCP-1736 is a complex of buildings in Yukon, Canada known as Site-53. SCP-1736 was created after SCP-8091 destroyed and the onsite nuclear warhead was detonated. However, Site-53 was left intact despite the nuclear warhead. How Site-53 was not completely destroyed by a nuclear explosion is unknown.
SCP-CN-1736 - SCP基金会
受试项目:scp-cn-1736. 实验概述: 为进一步探明scp-cn-1736的异常性质,拟让d-7344接触scp-cn-1736海域,以触发其异常性质。 d-7344装备深海潜水设施一套,极限潜水深度为500米;装备水下定位装置一套;装备水下通讯器一个,可与scp-cn-1736外舰艇上的边求贤博士实时 ...
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