SCP-1781 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-1781 is a drive-in movie theater located south of , Indiana, along State Road . The theater consists of a dirt parking lot, a concrete projector booth, a large screen, and a sign near the entrance labeled "Moonlight Theater". During daylight hours, SCP-1781 exhibits no anomalous properties.
SCP-1780 - SCP基金会
scp-1780-3是一份偶尔会在scp-1780-1中被找到的文件,印有约1998年的基金会信头,似乎是由scp-1780-2a书写。 特工B 的意外暴露和随后的D级人员测试显示该文件有一种局限于其背面的异常效应,且只在完整阅读并理解其内容后显现。
SCP-1781 Moonlight Theater Presents: Hugo Weaving/月光剧场 …
2004年12月12日 · 描述: scp-1781是一汽车电影剧场,位于印第安纳州 南部, 州立大道 旁. 剧场内有一个停车坪、一个混凝土放映机棚、一个大型屏幕和一个放在入口附近、写着“月光剧场”的标志。
SCP-1781 | Crossover Wiki | Fandom
SCP-1781, also known as the Promethean Perpetual-Motion Prototype, is the 1,781st SCP anomaly recorded under the SCP-Foundation 's system of classification and containment of anomalous subjects. Contents
SCP-1781 Moonlight Theater Presents Hugo Weaving - YouTube
2015年5月11日 · This SCP Foundation wiki reading is about SCP 1781 "Moonlight Theater Presents Hugo Weaving". SCP-1781 is a drive-in movie theater located south of ...
SCP-1781 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
Description: From the neck down, SCP-1781 has the body of a human female, while the head and skull seem to resemble a stereotypical extra terrestrial beings head. After months of research, the anomaly’s hair seems to never grow or fall out, which seems to be a …
SCP-1781 - SCP財団
アイテム番号: SCP-1781. オブジェクトクラス: Safe. 特別収容プロトコル: SCP-1781に通じる車道は州道 号線の近辺で封鎖されました。SCP-1781の周辺には境界フェンスが敷かれ、夜間パトロールが行われます。
SCP-1781 - NamuWiki
2024年10月27日 · Bruce Almighty - Replaces the god role played by Morgan Freeman . X-Men (movie) - Replaces Professor X 's wheelchair . Wearing a silver jumpsuit and carrying Professor X on his back, he crawls around while making wheezing noises with his mouth (...). Hercules (Animation) - Hydra [1] replace the role.
SCP-1781 - Кинотеатр «Лунный Свет» представляет: Хьюго …
Периметр scp-1781 огорожен забором и патрулируется по ночам. Любые лица, пытающиеся проникнуть за ограду, должны быть задержаны, обработаны амнезиаком класса А и переданы полиции .
SCP-1781-JP - SCP財団
アイテム番号: scp-1781-jp. オブジェクトクラス: keter. 特別収容プロトコル: scp-1781-jpは、scp-1781-jp-aを含め、非異常の地質構造として偽装・隠蔽されます。財団火山学部門と地質学部門は一般の研究機関や個人によるscp-1781-jpの研究を検閲します。
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