SCP-1788 - SCP Foundation
On reaching adulthood, SCP-1788-1 instances display predatory behavior towards prepubescent humans. Typically, they will settle in a large urban center, find a form of white-collar employment, 1 then begin tracking prepubescents in the area.
SCP-1788 - SCP基金会
SCP-1788-1 | Villains Wiki | Fandom
SCP-1788-1, also referred to as "The Adults", are an antagonistic species in the SCP Foundation series. They are a collection of humans affected by SCP-1788, which is an unknown treatment or process that changes human anatomy and behavior, they are Keter-class SCPs that are documented by the Foundation.
SCP-1788-"The Adults"/"大人" - longluntan
2004年12月12日 · 迄今为止所有SCP-1788-1个体都表现出了恶性自恋和心理变态的迹象;他们总体而言彻底地缺乏同情心,但同时又表现出了敏锐的心理洞察力。 由于以上和其他种种原因,严格禁止与SCP-1788-1进行未被批准的交流。 单独的个体之间总体上不愿意团结或者进行互动,除非是出于进行交配的目的;事实上,当两个或更多的个体被置于同一环境中时,他们通常会为支配权发生相互争斗。 这种表现与性别没有关系;无论男女个体都会为自己得到支配权而相互争 …
Wiki - scp-1788 - e621
SCP-1788 is a process that transforms prepubescent human children into instances of SCP-1788-1 instances. SCP-1788-1 instances look like normal humans but with several physical and psychological deviations.
scpˉ1788大人 - 哔哩哔哩
一个受到SCP-1788影响的青春期前的人类将变成一个SCP-1788-1个体。 当前SCP-1788的创造者或发现者仍然未知;正在对同行组织进行调查。 找到SCP-1788的起源已作为一个Sindri级优先度事项。 当其成年时,SCP-1788-1个体会对青春期前的人类表现出掠夺性行为。 通常他们会定居在一个大型城市的中心区,找一份白领工作作为掩护1,之后就开始跟踪青春期前的青少年。 大概每6个月一个SCP-1788-1将会尝试诱拐其中一个他跟踪的青少年并将他们带到一个较远的或者是无 …
Forum - SCP-1788 - e621
2025年1月7日 · SCP-1788 live among humanity, either alone or in families but never in a greater than 1:100,000 population to humans. They all exhibit malignant narcissism and psychopathy, and consider themselves to be the true adult form of humans.
SCP-1788 'The Adults' - SCP Foundation Wiki
Wiki Content Recently Changed Pages SCP-383 "The Horror Over Humanity" SCP 8200 'The Parallel Starface' SCP Wiki SCP-600000000 The Chinese sub-site links to this statement
SCP-1788 - Vs. Battles Wiki
2024年7月18日 · Finding the origin of SCP-1788 is considered a Sindri-level priority. On reaching adulthood, SCP-1788-1 instances display predatory behavior towards prepubescent humans. Typically, they will settle in a large urban center, find a form of white-collar employment, then begin tracking prepubescents in the area.
SCP-1788 大人 - 哔哩哔哩
SCP-1788-1解剖报告:区分SCP-1788-1和一个普通成年人类是极其困难的,即使是进行了严格的检查。 个体在性别和种族上展现出了与预期相符的变异,但有着确认的共同特征。
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