SCP-180 - SCP Foundation
The current appearance of SCP-180 is to be reported to Security daily. Security is to be notified immediately should personnel encounter someone they don't recognize in their department, performing or dressed as if they belonged there (as their identity might have been stolen).
SCP-180 | Identity Thieving Hat (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
2021年7月3日 · SCP-180 appears as a hat or other form of head wear or hair accessory. Any individual who places SCP-180 on their head will have their identity 'stolen' by the hat.
Jebao SCP-180 Sine Cross Flow Pump Wave Maker with Controller
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SCP-180 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-180 is a hat that removes a person's identity, making them unrecognizable as the person they were to others. When this hat is placed on another person or animal, people see that second person as the original host.
SCP-180 - 나무위키
2024年5月24日 · SCP-180은 제76유물연구 및 격리 기지 에 격리되어 있으며, 머리끈과 리본을 포함한 모든 머리 장식품의 착용이 금지된다. 이 규정을 어긴 인원은 신체 검사를 받고, 기지 내 이동 경로를 조사받으며, DNA 감정을 받아야 한다.
SCP-180-PT - SCP International - Wikidot
Description: SCP-180-PT is the historical and mythological figure, King Arthur of Great Britain. SCP-180-PT has variable physical characteristics, depending on the literary work in which it appears, but generally has blonde or brown hair, blue …
SCP-180 - Computer Generated Foundation
Description: SCP-180 is an eighteen-foot-tall non-anomalous rabbit that displays anomalous behavior. It has been observed to be able to converse with any human, regardless of language barrier or cultural identity.
SCP-180 - NamuWiki
2024年5月24日 · SCP-180 is contained at Artifact Research and Containment Site-76 , and the wearing of all headwear, including hair ties and ribbons, is prohibited. Personnel who violate this rule must undergo a physical examination, have their movement routes within the base investigated, and undergo DNA testing.
SCP-180-JP - SCP財団
説明: SCP-180-JPは 県 町の、かつて宇藤氏 (詳しくは後述)が所有していた小規模な山林の一部に生息する多年生植物です。 SCP-180-JPはDNA上ヒマワリ (学名: Helianthus annuus)の近縁種に当たると考えられており、実際にその基本的な構造はヒマワリに極めて類似しています。 ただし、以下の部分はヒマワリと大きく異なっています。 大きさ: SCP-180-JPは最高で40 cm ( …
SCP-180 - ナムウィキ
2025年1月27日 · SCP-180の姿は毎日保安部に報告されなければならず、もし既知の服装を着ているが、見知らぬ人員が発見された場合は直ちに保安部に報告しなければならない。 これはSCP-180の能力の1つであるアイデンティティ盗難によるものです。 2. 特徴. SCP-180は、帽子やヘッドストラップなどのヘッドオーナメントの形で表示されます。 誰かがSCP-180を身 …