SCP-082 - SCP Foundation
2024年12月1日 · SCP-082 refers to itself as Fernand and speaks fluent French and heavily accented English. When it speaks, it does so through enormous, clenched teeth. SCP-082 only parts teeth to eat food and to sing.
this is a staff placeholder page. please refer to this page for further information. The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.
#オリジナル展開 #子供向け SCP-19842-JP 「もう一個ある幸せ」 …
2022年11月26日 · 説明:scp-19842-jpは 日本支店で販売されている 5ピース入りのチキンゲットに稀に起こる現象です。 このチキンナゲットはルクセンブルク出身のアメリカ人で
1984-J - SCP Foundation
SCP-1984-J tells the story of a hypothetical dystopia in which independent thought is criminalized and an unseen character called "Big Brother" is worshipped as a dictator. SCP-1984-J compels people who are aware of it to compare any use of control or power to the dystopia portrayed in Orwell's work, no matter how absurd of a comparison this ...
SCP-082 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Fernand, cataloged as SCP-082 by the SCP Foundation and given the title of The Cannibal, is a French man who possesses grotesquely abnormal features and practices cannibalism. Fernand was likely...
SCP-1983 - 百度百科
SCP-1983-2是一种1.8公尺高、轮廓模糊的黑色人形怪物。 侵略性极高,会攻击任何看到的人类,以不造成可见伤害的方式抽出他们的心脏带回1983-1。 唯一已知能杀死1983-2的方法是一边祷告一边发射银制子弹。 祷告的内容和祷告者的信仰类别都不重要,只要祷告者足够虔诚就有效。 一支来自机动特遣队Chi-13的小队被派遣穿过正面的门道去调查异常现象。 他们没有回来。 尽管如此,在他们进入后不久,前门出现了,并关上了(或者说和门框合上了,这门并不是出现在 …
SCP Foundation Tomes : SCP Foundation : Free Download, …
2022年1月9日 · A complete collection of entries from the SCP foundation. Same content as https://archive.org/details/scp-foundation-the-complete-collection-various-authors, but split up …
SCP-012 - 百度百科
SCP-082 - “Mr. Fernand; Fern” | SCI Pathos III Wiki | Fandom
SCP-082, AKA Fern or Fernand, is an Euclid class, neutral, sentient, and supernatural human cannibal. He eats humans as dinner and is normally very cordial and polite to nice people. When he feels insulted, his eyes turn red, may pick up the person who insulted him, and will also speak in an enraged voice and in caps.
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