SCP-2106 - SCP Foundation
2023年12月3日 · SCP-2106-2 is a humanoid entity formed from the combined bodies of all available instances of 2106-1. If provided clothing, 2106-1 instances will form 2106-2 within the articles, including filling such items as boots and gloves.
SCP-2106 - SCP基金会
scp-2106-2是一通过2106-1组成的人形实体。 若为其提供衣物,2106-1个体会在一定形体内组成-2,包括填满鞋、手套等物品。 SCP-2106-2具有完全智能,能流利使用英语,并能通过书写和模拟人类发声来交流。
囚鸟鸣唱 - SCP基金会
SCP-2106是个人,不是一只动物,你们看起来都忘掉了这点。它比Tim Wilson曾经应付过的那些要聪明多了。除此之外,我觉得这开了个坏头。我们在全世界收容着成堆的动物型异常,如果他们知道了,难道我们就把它们全交过去吗?
SCP-2106 - SCP Foundation - Archive.org
SCP-2106-2 is fully sapient and has demonstrated fluency in English and the ability to communicate via both writing and mimicry of human speech. According to interviews, 2106-2 believes itself to be an individual named Jessica Bradley, a 45-year-old Caucasian female from Tillamook, Oregon, USA.
SCP基金会科普系列(安保设施地点) - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
Site-45位于西澳大利亚海岸外的印度洋海底,是一个秘密的武装研究设施。在这里,对异常项目的研究和临时控制是在严格监控和远离平民的情况下进行的。设施内收容的包括:SCP-321,SCP-2401,SCP-466,SCP-127,SCP-2424,SCP-1577. 62 Site-62 (Dimensional Site-62)
【SCP基金会】SCP-2000~SCP-2999(搬运自官网) - 哔哩哔哩
SCP-2105 - 可编程神秘; SCP-2106 - 乌鸦密谋; SCP-2107 - 健怡幽灵™; SCP-2108 - 另一个太阳; SCP-2109 - 所谓的意外; SCP-2110 - 避风港; SCP-2111 - 若你能读到这… SCP-2112 - 流行性演唱会; SCP-2113 - 闹鬼的滑齿龙头骨; SCP-2114 - 科技啮齿动物; SCP-2115 - 超时空交友网站; SCP-2116 - Lonely Ragdoll
SCP-2106 - SCP Sandbox Wiki II
Description: SCP-2106 has ragged clothing, dry blood stains on said clothing, old carving gloves, eyes removed from the skull, no nose, and has very large teeth. Weapon: SCP-2106 carries a large curved Sickle with blood on it from its victims.
SCP-2106 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-2106. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-2106 is to be kept in an aviary at Site-64. Laconic Description: SCP-2106 is a flock of 40 crows that can connect themselves into human shape. Additional Context: SCP-2106 is …
Объекты 2000-2999 - SCP Foundation
scp-2106 — Вороний заговор scp-2107 — Призрак Диетический™ scp-2108 — Другое Солнце scp-2109 — Несчастный случай scp-2110 — Тихая гавань scp-2111 — Если Вы можете прочесть это… scp-2112 — Ибо кроткие наследуют ...
SCP-2106 A Conspiracy of Ravens/乌鸦密谋
2004年12月12日 · scp-2106-2是一通过2106-1组成的人形实体。 若为其提供衣物,2106-1个体会在一定形体内组成-2,包括填满鞋、手套等物品。 SCP-2106-2具有完全智能,能流利使用英语,并能通过书写和模拟人类发声来交流。
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