SCP-2201 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-2201 is a tin coin roughly 3 cm in diameter. The obverse is stamped with a pair of hair-styling scissors and a straight razor crossed against each other. The reverse features a stylized inscription that states: “la Barberia,” along with a line of text that reads, “For the best in the world…and beyond.”
SCP-2201 - SCP基金会
目前,使用SCP-2201是进入SCP-2201-1的唯一方法。SCP-2201-1内部的门是关闭的,且SCP-2201-2会建议实验人员不要打开门。 SCP-2201-2是一名自称“Giuseppe”的人形个体。 SCP-2201-2声称其是SCP-2201-1的拥有者并且是其中唯一一名理发师。
SCP-CN-2201 - SCP基金会
SCP-2201 超时空理发店 - 哔哩哔哩
目前,使用SCP-2201是进入SCP-2201-1的唯一方法。SCP-2201-1内部的门是关闭的,且SCP-2201-2会建议实验人员不要打开门。 SCP-2201-2是一名自称“Giuseppe”的人形个体。 SCP-2201-2声称其实SCP-2201-1的拥有者并且是其中唯一一名理发师。
SCP-2201 Cross-Dimensional Barbershop: The Extradimensional …
This SCP Foundation reading video is about scp 2201 "Cross dimensional barber shop", an extradimensional barbershop run by a man named Guisseppe, somehow affiliated with Dr. Wondertainment and...
SCP-2201 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
SCP-2201 is to be distributed as a remedial drink during bar fights or other code-breaking outbursts. No drugs of any kind are to be put into any SCP-2201 instance. When questions arise about SCP-2201-1, it is to be passed off as a remedial beverage. Should these guidelines be broken under any excuse or reason, then punishment is to follow.
SCP-2201 - Межпространственная цирюльня
Описание: SCP-2201 - это оловянная монета примерно 3 см в диаметре. На её аверсе отпечатано изображение перекрещенных парикмахерских ножниц и опасной бритвы, на реверсе - стилизованная надпись на баскском языке "la Barberia" ("Парикмахерская") и строка текста "Лучшее обслуживание в мире… и за его пределами".
【SCP基金会】SCP-2000~SCP-2999(搬运自官网) - 哔哩哔哩
SCP-2200 - 魂山; SCP-2201 - 超时空理发店; SCP-2202 - A Brief Respite; SCP-2203 - 超准恋爱运势! SCP-2204 - 三重威脅:小區中的無名樂團; SCP-2205 - 战争英雄Dwight Montgomery-Patterson先生; SCP-2206 - 最大职棒联盟; SCP-2207 - 次元切割刀; SCP-2208 - 火炉中的神明; SCP-2209 - 虚拟现实
SCP 2201 | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2017年2月2日 · SCP-2201-1 is a designation referring to an anomalous building resembling a 1930’s barbershop. The location of the barbershop is currently unknown, as all attempts at tracking it have failed. SCP-2201-1 is currently only reachable through the use of SCP-2201.
Scp-2201"cross dimension barbershop" - Amino Apps
SCP-2201-1 is a designation referring to an anomalous building resembling a 1930’s barbershop. The location of the barbershop is currently unknown, as all attempts at tracking it have failed. SCP-2201-1 is currently only reachable through the use of SCP-2201. The actual door in SCP-2201-1 does not open, and SCP-2201-2 has requested that ...