SCP-2214 - SCP Foundation
2021年7月26日 · Description: SCP-2214 is a 40 m 2 apartment located in [REDACTED] Okrug, Moscow. The layout of SCP-2214 is consistent with late Soviet-era standards for single-resident apartments, and differs in no significant way from that of other units in the building.
SCP-CN-2214 - SCP基金会
已经确认,scp-cn-2214是一种能够操作现有理论时间进程的异常,它可以将一段时间的某段以物质存在的形式切离,并以契合度最高为最高优先级找到代替这段进程的平行世界切段同时进行缝合,在作用被催化出现后,这段时间的所有区间都会由于这一段的变换而 ...
SCP-2214 - Эффект масштаба
Описание: SCP-2214 - квартира площадью 40 м 2, расположенная в [УДАЛЕНО] округе Москвы. Квартира однокомнатная, т.н. "улучшенной планировки", характерной для позднего советского периода, и в отношении планировки практически не отличается от прочих квартир в том же доме.
SCP-2215 - SCP基金会
SCP-2214 Economy of Scale/比例经济学
2004年12月12日 · 项目编号:SCP-2214 项目等级:Safe 特殊收容措施: SCP-2214的入口须全天封锁。 对SCP-2214的全部窗户都须封上铁条以防外物进入。 基金会特工须在临近公寓房间及上下层看守SCP-2214,伪装为建筑住户为掩护。
SCP-2214 - SCP Foundation
2016年1月28日 · However, it is marred by many flaws. The procedures don't really need light on the level of constant direct sunlight. If it is a normal street light, just make sure it is not turned on and it is Safe. If it activates automatically in darkness, just have a faintest light source around it and make sure it is never perfectly dark.
SCP-CN-2214 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
scp-cn-2214是一个具有部分人类特征的生物,据观察,性征为女性,但此生物是否为女性或是否需要被定义性别还有待考据。 SCP-CN-2214拥有类似人类20-25岁女性的身体,身高168cm,但呈现出营养不良的状态,实际体重为30kg以及过于纤细瘦长的四肢以及清晰可见的肋骨 ...
SCP-2214 | The Convergence Series Wiki | Fandom
SCP-2214 is an unconventional side story in the form of a fake document detailing the supposed anomalous properties of Junko Enoshima. The document covers an incident that took place some time before Civil War .
SCP-2214 - SCP Sandbox Wiki II
Item #: SCP-2214. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: The only known instance of SCP-2214 is located at Site-19 in a Level 3 storage unit locker with at least one D-Class non-german speaking guard present at all times.
SCP-2214 - SCP 재단 - Wikidot
2025年1月4日 · 설명: scp-2214는 모스크바 [편집됨] 관구에 위치한 40m 2 짜리 아파트 방이다. scp-2214의 배치 구조는 후기 소비에트 시기의 1인용 아파트 기준과 일치하며, 건물의 다른 방과 크게 다르지 않다.
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