SCP-2273 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月2日 · SCP-2273-1 is believed to be a non-anomalous male human that shares a symbiotic relationship with an anomalous organism, SCP-2273-2. This organism completely covers SCP-2273-1, leaving no epidermis exposed. Notable physical characteristics of SCP-2273-2 are as follows: A chitinous carapace that forms a secondary, exterior skeleton.
SCP-2273 - SCP基金会
SCP-2273是一ECT 1 B智能异常,允许其接触有限的文字和音乐媒体,该权限可在任何时候撤销。 描述: SCP-2273是一被认为来自其他宇宙的人形实体,由两部分组成。
SCP-2273-1 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Major Alexei Belitrov (Russian: Алексей Белитров; 1958 - 13 October 2053), better known as SCP-2273-1 and known as Father Anvil after his conversion to Cogwork Orthodoxy, was a Soviet soldier in an alternate timeline who served in the Red …
相关人员档案 #2273/01 - SCP基金会
SCP- 回复了PoI 2273/01的信件,两个异常之间很快建立了定期通信。 随着SCP- 于2034年2月11日因淋巴瘤并发症去世,所有寄给其的在途信件都被退回给包括PoI 2273/01在内的发件人。
SCP-2273 | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
SCP-2273, also known as Major Alexei Belitrov is a recurring character in the SCP Foundation series. He is a Euclid class humanoid under the custody of the SCP Foundation who originates from an alternate universe where the Cold War resulted in the "War to End the World" which left most of planet Earth inhabitable.
Person of Interest File #2273/01 - SCP Foundation
2023年11月26日 · Background Information: PoI was contained as SCP-2273 by Foundation from 1989 until 2018. Upon Hypothetical Lifted Veil Scenario 2217 having been realized, SCP-2273 was released alongside all other applicable Type C …
SCP-2273 - SCP財団
SCP-2273にそれ自体の重量に加えて1200キログラムの質量の運搬を可能にする、SCP-2273-1の筋肉・骨格器官と統合された高度な筋肉。 SCP-2273-2およびそのホストの栄養を得るために使われる、 Musca domestica 2 のものに似た口。
Entry Page: 2273 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Dr. Friedrich SCP-2273-1 SCP-2273-2 Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Object Classes Euclid Ethics Committee Types Type B Security Clearance Levels Level 1 20th Century CE 1980s 1989 21st Century CE Level 1 Researcher General Debrief Second Great Patriotic War Russian Federation SCP Foundation...
Досье ЛПИ №2273/01 - SCP Foundation
Профиль личности ЛПИ 2273/01, как показывают приложенные и не вошедшие в данное досье документы, указывает, что субъект представлял собой минимальный риск для информационной безопасности ...
Person of Interest File 2273/01 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Mother Axle Alexei Belitrov Father Cogwheel Dr. Thomas Friedrich God Jesus Christ Mekhane SCP-163 SCP-191 SCP-507 Agent Lakshmi Turnbow 20th Century CE 1980s 1989 21st Century CE 2010s 2018 2020s 2020 2021 2022 2027 2029 2030s 2034 2050s 2053 2060s 2063 Anomaly Reintegration Project Hypothetical Lifted Veil Scenario 2217 Church of the Broken God Clockwork Orthodox Church Eastern Clockwork ...
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