SCP-2359 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月2日 · Description: SCP-2359 is a humanoid of 1.76 meters in height and 75.2 kilograms in weight. All further physical description of SCP-2359 is impossible. There is no method of observation that would perceive the entity's identifying characteristics without being exposed to its cognitohazard, and hence having the viewer’s perceptions altered.
SCP-2359 - SCP基金会
SCP-2359 - SCP財団
SCP-2359の主要な異常性は、これを見た、聞いた、あるいは何らかの手段により情報を得た人物内で増殖する認識災害です。 1 感染すると、感染者の精神内にSCP-2359に関する偽の人物像と記憶が発生します。 結果として、感染者はSCP-2359を親しい家族の一員や、子供の頃の友人といった、人生の大部分において知己だった人物として認識します。 刷り込まれた人物像は、感染者が心から信頼する人物であり、- 記録された事例の大部分では - 暴力行為の行使を含 …
SCP-2359 - По лестнице вверх я однажды шагал...
Особые условия содержания: SCP-2359 живёт в камере содержания гуманоидных форм жизни, стены которой покрыты звуконепроницаемым материалом. В камере не должны находиться предметы и материалы, с помощью которых SCP-2359 сможет записать информацию. За SCP-2359 запрещается наблюдать …
ข้อมูลของ SCP 2359? #scpไทย #scpเนื้อเรื่อง - YouTube
DEMO ของ Gemini Flame : Alpha Dragon Patch 1.2.1 สามารถเล่นได้แล้วนะครับผ่าน Itch.io Link : https ...
The Beast ( Scp-2359) | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
SCP-2359 or for short “ The Beast “ SCP-2359 is a immortal spirit that lived for 5,000+ years and seen all and know all. Description: a tall, skinny, almost like skeleton with tree branches for horns talks in a echoey voice. Strengths: forest and misty areas. Weakness: electricity / somewhat uv light. Class: keter/neutral
SCP-239 - SCP Foundation
2024年1月24日 · Item #: SCP-239. Object Class: Keter. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-239 is to be kept within a one room cell furnished with 1 (one) bed, 1 (one) EKG machine, and 1 (one) IV to be filled with pentobarbital mixed with [DATA EXPUNGED] to be refilled daily. Under no circumstances is SCP-239 to be removed from her containment area at any given ...
【SCP基金会】SCP-2000~SCP-2999(搬运自官网) - 哔哩哔哩
SCP-2352 - A Sorta-Dead Vlogger and Their Clingy Extradimensional Fan; SCP-2353 - 抓狂的人体模特; SCP-2354 - 合理的便利; SCP-2355 - 'They Grow up so Fast' SCP-2356 - Skylar的魔杖; SCP-2357 - 完美SCP条目; SCP-2358 - 我以前在什麼地方看過這… SCP-2359 - 昨天,在楼上; SCP-2360 - 齿轮召唤
SCP-2359 - Latest Staff Notice: Do Not Observe : r/SCP - Reddit
2016年10月26日 · What's the significance of O5-14? Is he infected? There are only 13 O-5s. The implication is that 14 is the anomaly, having escaped and put the new procedures in place which, conveniently, involve no-one ever checking if it's actually in its box. this is neat! Before this article, there was no O5-14.
SCP-2399 - SCP Foundation
Since 1971, SCP-2399 has been the recipient of an unending stream of electromagnetic-based communications originating in the Triangulum Galaxy, roughly 3 million light years from Earth. The means of SCP-2399's travel to our solar system, and …