SCP-2657 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月16日 · Description: SCP-2657 is an arachnid closely resembling a member of the Araneidae family (orb-weaving spiders). SCP-2657 has a leg span of 2.7 m, a body length of .9 m, and weighs 28.4 kg. The cuticle of chitin covering its cephalothorax is black with silver striations that extend throughout the leg segments.
SCP-2657 - SCP基金会
scp-2657利用多种狩猎策略,包括蛛丝流星锤和蜘蛛网陷阱。 最常见的狩猎策略是模仿目标猎物的声音,并结合诱饵。 SCP-2657能够模仿各种动物,包括使用人类的英语语音模式。
SCP-2657 - SCP Sandbox Wiki II
SCP-2657 is a shadow like humanoid entity, measuring about 3 m(10 ft) in height and a black-like aura surrounding SCP-2657, SCP-2657 . SCP-2657 could pass through material objects such as metal, wood and stone, depending on it's own will, leaving slimy black liquid substance.
SCP-2657 - Кукловод
Описание: SCP-2657 – паукообразное, имеющее сильное сходство с представителями семейства Araneidae (пауков-кругопрядов). Размах ног SCP-2657 составляет 2.7 м, длина тела - 0.9 м, а вес – 28.4 кг. Хитиновая кутикула, покрывающая головогрудь объекта, имеет чёрную окраску с тонкими серебристыми полосами, проходящими по …
SCP-2657 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-2657. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-2657 is contained within a soundproof cell. Laconic Description: SCP-2657 is a giant spider that lures …
SCP-2657 - Fondation SCP
Le leurre correspondant est fabriqué par SCP-2657 à partir de soie et des détritus disponibles et forme typiquement un simulacre de l'espèce imitée vocalement. Afin d'attirer ses proies, SCP-2657 se dissimule tout en manipulant le leurre avec des fils de soie et en recourant à …
"SCP Foundation Stories" The Puppet Master - SCP-2657 (Podcast ... - IMDb
2022年7月18日 · Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers.
SCP-2657 Puppet Master (SCP Animation) - YouTube
2021年6月22日 · SCP-2657 has a pair of jackknife chelicerae that are capable of delivering a potent neuromuscular-blocking venom. After injection of the venom, it further immobilizes its prey with swathing...
SCP-2656 - SCP Foundation
2022年4月10日 · Stage 1: SCP-2656 emits a low-intensity electromagnetic wave. This wave inhibits the brain, acting as a powerful anesthetic. Exposed subjects lose consciousness near-instantaneously. It is otherwise harmless, and effects wear off after 6-8 hours. Stage 2: After approximately 12 seconds of exposure, the brain begins to shut down.
SCP-2657-JP - SCP財団
説明: SCP-2657-JP群は口頭による意思疏通が可能なメスのニホンノウサギ(Lepus brachyurus)とオスのホンドタヌキ(Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus)です。 発見経緯、及び互いが相手の事を近しい存在と発言している事から同アイテム番号を振り当て、ニホンノウサギをSCP-2657-JP-A、ホンドタヌキをSCP-2657-JP-Bと呼称します。 SCP-2657-JP群はDNA配列は類似する動物と違いはありません。 しかし骨格や関節はヒトの物に近く、2足歩行に …
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