SCP-2779 - SCP Foundation
SCP-2779 presses its snout against the rear of the tower and begins to snort loudly. After 33 seconds, SCP-2779 begins to notably glow and abstract, becoming harder to view. SCP-2779 is still described by all viewers as "a tiny pig" despite camera footage showing only a light pink glow surrounding the PC tower.
SCP-CN-2779 - SCP基金会
SCP-CN-2779最主要的异常性质表现为,一旦有人员(下称对象)进入项目内部,对象将经历以下过程: 街道两侧的柳树开始释放柳絮,柳絮逐渐飘飞至对象所在位置,并由下至上地以螺旋式持续围绕对象旋转,形成一倒置的圆锥体。 在柳絮包围的内外,存在较高的EVE粒子能量差; 柳絮将逐渐散去,最终落在地面,而对象将消失在原位。 该过程的触发通常由对象在柳絮包围之内主动进行,其触发方式未知。 此后对象的去向并不固定,大部分对象的去向可简单概括为故乡; 长 …
SCP-2778 - SCP基金会
描述:SCP-2778是一个位于异常项目研究站点Site-4的,包括整个D级人员洗手间在内的空间异常。 只有被分配到AIRS-4工作的D级人员能够进入这一异常 1 。 一次只能有一名人员进入SCP-2778。
SCP-2779 - Tổ Chức SCP
2018年1月5日 · SCP-2779 được tìm thấy ở Paris tại nhà của bà Claudia Dubois sau cái chết của con trai bà, Renard Dubois, vào ngày 3/12/2017. Renard được cho là đã chết trong đêm do các biến chứng phát sinh từ bệnh đa xơ cứng động mạch, nhưng theo yêu cầu của Bà Dubois, SCP-2779 đã được cơ quan ...
SCP-2779 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-2779. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-2779 is kept in a pen in the Area-12 Parazoology Department. Laconic Description: SCP-2779 is a piglet with the ability to fuse itself with computers.
【SCP基金会】SCP-2000~SCP-2999(搬运自官网) - 哔哩哔哩
scp-2778 - 恶人的休息; scp-2779 - 游戏猪 🐷; scp-2780 - 常绿街618号的时间异常; scp-2781 - 海菩萨; scp-2782 - 牧群; scp-2783 - 献给某机械女神的无声挽歌; scp-2784 - 我朋友做了一张网; scp-2785 - 自复制机器人; scp-2786 - 原型; scp-2787 - a bridge in scp-2788 - 红 富神仙
SCP-2779 - Oinkers - YouTube
Item #: SCP-2779Object Class: Safeauthor: Rimplehttp://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2779the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share...
SCP-2779-JP - SCP財団
SCP-2779 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom - scp-fanon.fandom.com
SCP-2779, or more commonly known as "Expression Headwear" is supposedly kept in a room not visibly shown in the layout of the foundation. It takes the appearance of any headwear it wishes and will stick to an object if it is interacted with, it strangely cannot be removed from the object it...
SCP-2779 - SCP財団
アイテム番号: SCP-2779. オブジェクトクラス: Safe. 特別収容プロトコル: SCP-2779はエリア-12の異常動物学部門の囲い内に、他の低脅威度異常オブジェクトと共に収容されます。SCP-2779には飼育係の指定通りに給餌や手入れをしてください。