SCP-2789 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-2789 is a fast food restaurant named Beefbelly Bill's. This name is displayed on the front of the building and a sign outside the building. It operates as a lunch and breakfast food chain, and has fully operating fryers, grills, and soda and ice cream machines.
SCP-2789 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-2789是一家名为“Beefblly Bill”的快餐店,该名称显示与店铺的前方和建筑物的标志上。 项目是一家主营早餐与午餐的连锁店,店内配备齐全的炸锅、烤架、苏打水与冰淇淋机。 当SCP-2789首次出现时,它将会延伸自身以连接附近的管道与电线进而接受电气服务。 当SCP-2789实体出现时,将会有至少四名工作人员出现在建筑物内。 这些工作人员没有身份认同,他们只会承认自己是SCP-2789内的工作人员。 从附近建筑物获得的监控录像显示,即使在晚上10 …
SCP-2789 - Evil Fast Food (Self-Replicating) - YouTube
SCP-2789 is a fast food restaurant named Beefbelly Bill's. This name is displayed on the front of the building and a sign outside the building. It operates as a lunch and breakfast food chain,...
SCP-2789 - SCP Sandbox Wiki II
Description: SCP-2789 is a mint-coloured irregular mass that acts like an extremely viscous liquid. Samples of SCP-2789's "flesh" are shown to be made of a gel-like compound commonly found in [REDACTED] and is corrosive and extremely toxic to humans, trace amounts of a platinum/rhodium alloy can also be found.
【SCP基金会】SCP-2000~SCP-2999(搬运自官网) - 哔哩哔哩
SCP-2788 - 红 富神仙; SCP-2789 - Self-Replicating Fast Food Chain; SCP-2790 - 我是你的乌贼; SCP-2791 - 浮士德式银行; SCP-2792 - 雪兔Sarah; SCP-2793 - Peace Planet; SCP-2794 - Cutesy Wutesy Pootesy NK Ladybugs; SCP-2795 - The Can-Do Helper; SCP-2796 - Invisible Ink; SCP-2797 - 蛋白质或松鼠; SCP-2798 - 垂死的世界
SCP-2789 - La Fundación SCP
Descripción: SCP-2789 es un restaurante de comida rápida llamado Beefbelly Bill’s. Este nombre se muestra en la parte delantera del edificio y en un letrero afuera del mismo. Funciona como una cadena de almuerzos y desayunos, y tiene freidoras, parrillas, y máquinas de refrescos y helados en funcionamiento.
SCP-2790 - SCP Foundation
2023年4月19日 · Description: SCP-2790 is a male Atlantic cranch squid (Teuthowenia megalops). He was initially recovered during a raid on the curio shop "Curios of the Worlds", feeling lonely and sad in a tinted glass tank labeled "Ignore". It was unclear why anybody would want to hurt 2790 or make him unhappy.
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
5000到5099 scp-5000 - 为什么?scp-5001 - 神圣不可侵犯scp-5002 - 收容室女尸之谜scp-5003 - 衰竭scp-5004 - 狂妄之人scp-5005 - 长夜孤灯scp-5006 - 无人可信scp-5007 - 巴斯海峡scp-5008 - 噤声scp-5009 - 第2…
SCP-2789 - Comida Rápida Malvada (Que Se Replica a Sí Misma!)
2024年9月21日 · ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué pasaría si un misterio de persona desaparecida se entrelazara con el oscuro mundo de las franquicias de comida rápida? ¡No busques más! Este video te sumerge en la...
想问问大家伙觉得的高质量的scp文档 - 百度贴吧
想快速锁定读一些好康的文档楼主先来scp-3790 反常部追加一个scp-3935 此地静谧疯狂楼主看的不是很多,只看了些入门的有什么都可以推 想问问大家伙觉得的高质量的scp文档【scp_foundation吧】_百度贴吧
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