SCP-2869 - SCP Foundation
2024年4月24日 · Description: SCP-2869 is an anomalous species of hexapedal animal organisms. Their bodies consist of two segments: A large muscular tail that vaguely resembles …
SCP-2869 - SCP基金会
SCP-2869身体的这一半皮肤呈现出灰色且十分柔软,一个模糊的类人头颅由四只小眼睛和一个开裂的下颌组成,其下颌上长有相对锋利的高密度小牙齿,用于消化固体矿石沉积物。 SCP …
SCP-2869 - SCP財団
SCP-2868 - SCP Foundation
2024年4月2日 · SCP-2868 uses the growth of these root structures in order to penetrate the feet of human subjects within 9 meters of SCP-2868, at which point the root structure will break off …
SCP-2869 │ Parasitic Caterpillars - YouTube
You know... men shit the babies.Subscribe to this channel and hit the bell to see more videos at the moment I put them out!#SCP #SCPreading #SCPfoundation
Alpha-9 "Last Hope" - SCP Database Wiki
MTF α-9 (Alpha-9), nicknamed "Last Hope", is a Mobile Task Force that heavily utilizes SCP assets within its operations. Considered a resurrection of MTF Omega-7 "Pandora's Box", …
scp - 2869 넝쿨째 부서진 당신 - SCP 재단 채널
2022年7月6日 · 설명 : scp - 2869는 덩굴식물의 일종으로, 현재는 대상의 잎과 줄기만을 보관 중이다. 해당 개체의 변칙성은 대상에게 수분이 공급될 경우 발현되며, 이때 scp - 2869는 빛, …
Форум — SCP-2869 - Трахочерви
The tongue of SCP-2869 measures an extendable length of 24 centimeters, and is coated in a thick mucus membrane containing a form of parasitic sperm organism, designated SCP-2869-S.
SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
The SCP Database is an attempt to organize the SCP universe, and its characters, locations, events, and objects into a somewhat connected continuity. To preserve the no-canon policy of …
SCP-2870 - SCP基金会
SCP-2870-1有可能通过谈判来与SCP-2870-A达成相对和平,但总是只能维持很短的时间,因为SCP-2870-A会把以鼻呼吸、抽鼻子、挖鼻孔、吞咽和任何形式的摄食都当作敌对行动,并出动 …