SCP-2905: A Web Wrapped With Roses and Poisons : …
2017年11月10日 · This SCP-2905-2 will then gather the remains of the other SCP-2905-2 into multiple sac-like webs that it deposits into various slits of the body inside SCP-2905-1 that are absorbed by the outer skin. The remaining SCP-2905-2 will then spontaneously dissolve into liquefied organic matter that is absorbed through the mouth of the humanoid body.
The SCP Foundation, Explained - Reddit
SCPDeclassified is a unique subreddit that makes long-form explanations of the most complex works on the SCP wiki. Our declassifications both summarize the article as well as narratively explain and analyze its moving parts and thematic elements to enrich your reading experience. Contactable through Modmail or email, at: [email protected]
Best of Series 3? : r/SCP - Reddit
2016年4月11日 · SCP-2190 is yet another demonstration for containment versus neutralization SCP-2217 is good crossover platform, jumps off on the CotBG vs Sarkist SCP-2461 Aftermath is possibly the only SCP with an interaction between the Foundation and the Coalition where the Foundation is the ass for a change. SCP-2610 gives us hints of Sarkist relations.
Part one of the Pitch Haven series, reading SCP-2905 : r/SCP - Reddit
2019年4月21日 · 691K subscribers in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | scpwiki.com
SCP-2905 "A Web Wrapped With Roses and Poisons" - Reddit
2023年9月15日 · 689K subscribers in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki ...
SCP would make a really good netflix series : r/SCP - Reddit
2017年9月18日 · Some friends and I all thought that the SCP foundation would make a really good workplace comedy/black comedy, sort of in the vein of Always Sunny in Philadelphia meets The Office. We figured that the surreal nature of the Foundation and the disconnect that it creates in its employees would lend itself to a lot of great humor.
So I just finished reading through the Pitch Haven hub... : r/SCP
2016年4月16日 · SCP-2746-1 is Eden. Amusingly the Adam and Eve story still plays out, but they forgot about the demiurges. Fredrick and Agathos (aka the Furies) led a rebellion vs the Maker which somehow was put down.
Mythological SCPs? : r/SCP - Reddit
2022年7月8日 · 720K subscribers in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | scpwiki.com
r/SCP on Reddit: Gonna go to a cosplay convention as D̶r̶.̶ ...
2023年3月5日 · Since the SCP wiki is a collaborative work, it wouldn't be fair to other authors who used the character to have their stuff deleted too. I think Dr. Shaw will catch on and enable people to keep the character that's grown out of such collaboration while simultaneously nuking the original creator's influence.
SCP MTF Field Codes, found on /x/. - Reddit
3.5K votes, 251 comments. 718K subscribers in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction…