SCP-2956 - SCP Foundation
2024年8月8日 · Description: SCP-2956 is a Project 941 "Akula" class Soviet submarine currently traversing the world's oceans in a semi-random pattern. As of / / , all attempts to intercept SCP-2956, ranging from using antisubmarine torpedoes and depth charges, to manually boarding the submarine during its rare surfacing events, have been met with failure.
SCP-2956 - We All Live in a Nuclear Submarine - YouTube
SCP-2956 is a Project 941 "Akula" class Soviet submarine currently traversing the world's oceans in a semi-random pattern. All attempts to intercept SCP 2956 , ranging from using antisubmarine...
Объекты 1000-1999 - SCP Foundation
scp-1178 — МБР, плавающая в воздухе scp-1179 — Огненный демон Централии scp-1180 — Милая гроздь кокосов scp-1181 — Интерактивный калейдоскоп scp-1182 — Заводной осьминог scp-1183 — Куча всего scp-1184 — Истина
SCP-2956 - Todos Vivimos En Un Submarino Nuclear - YouTube
2024年8月14日 · ¿Alguna vez has escuchado la historia del submarino fantasma soviético que se regenera y desaparece en las profundidades del mar? Súbete a bordo de esta aventura submarina con nuestro último video,...
r/SCP on Reddit: For the last Three years or so, I've been trying to ...
2023年4月6日 · That being said, I find SCP-2956 to be fantastic, and definitely an underrated article. -I like to categorize every SCP series with the theme of its respective "Thousandth" Contest. Thus, to me, Series I is the "Legends and Myths" series, and Series III is the "Horror" series, with Series I beign the introductory series.
SCP-2956-JP - SCP財団
scp-2956-jp-aは バラ園内においてscp-2956-jpによって栽培および販売されている、人間と同一の物質構成を持つ人型実体群です。 人種、年齢、身体的性別は多様ですが、20代と推測される個体が比較的多く、全個体共通して、その容姿が優れていると評される傾向 ...
SCP-CN-2956 - SCP財団
2023年 月 日 3 、scp-cn-2956のメンテナンス作業を担当する7名の清掃スタッフのうち、5名がサイトの生物部門微生物実験室に押し入り、身体の大部分の面積を自傷した後で傷口に様々な病原菌を塗布し、祈祷と礼拝を行った後に死亡しました。死因は失血と病原 ...
SCP-2956 - ilovemel - Video Blogging RPF [Archive of Our Own]
Item #: SCP-2956. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: [While rather neutral when it comes to humans, It does not do well when it comes to other Scp's and Animals. This may be the cause of the affects that happens when a guard enters it's cell.
Scp 3 - SCP基金會 - scp-hk.wikidot.com
SCP-2071 - Sir Michael Cavendish, in the Guise of the King of Serpents; SCP-2072 - Prime Ministerial Pet Cemetery; SCP-2073 - One Last Lullaby; SCP-2074 - Sinkbait; SCP-2075 - The Way of All Flesh; SCP-2076 - "Shooting Yourself Can Increase Your Bullet Resistance" SCP-2077 - Miracle Stuff; SCP-2078 - Third Party; SCP-2079 - The Law of the ...
Scp 2956 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
SCP Number: 2956. Threat Level: Yellow. Object Class: Euclid. Containment Area: It containment cell is fitted with a bed normal toiletries and a toy here and there to keep her calm. Clearance Level: You’ll need a clearance eleven of 3 to get in. Abnormal Property:
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