SCP-3087 - SCP基金会
每三个月,一辆装载不超过三十名乘客的公共交通工具应被允许穿越SCP-3087。 描述: SCP-3087是一个大约覆盖1000平方公里的圆形区域,其中有一种影响且仅影响彻夜运行的、载客超过十人的公共交通工具的异常现象。
SCP-3087 - SCP Foundation
Every three months, one public transportation vehicle containing no more than thirty passengers is to be allowed to pass through SCP-3087. Description: SCP-3087 is a circular area covering approximately 1000 km 2, in which anomalous phenomena affect overnight public transportation carrying more than ten passengers.
SCP-3087 - 幽行夜車 - SCP基金會
幾個異常的人形實體在車輛行駛時出現在車輛上,統稱為SCP-3087-1(所有觀察到的實例列表可在文件-3087-04中找到)。 乘客亦會感到異常強烈的失眠或嗜睡反應,並在它們再度出現時有更高機率出現睡眠癱瘓。
SCP-CN-3087 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-CN-3087为发生在中国境内各类机动车道 1 上的异常现象的统称。 当事件发生时,车道上会毫无征兆地凭空出现数量,型号不一的正常行驶机动车,即SCP-CN-3087-1。
SCP-3088 - SCP基金会
SCP-3088遭受一种现实扭曲,任何被合法授权人员通过的法律、规章或城镇条例都将在此变成不可改变的现实定律。 穿过镇边界的人员将立即受其效应影响,在城镇内不能打破任何既存定律,无论刻意或无意。
SCP-3087 Object... - The SCP Foundation Protected Site-01
Description: SCP-3087 is a circular area covering approximately 1000 km2, in which anomalous phenomena affect overnight public transportation carrying more than ten passengers. SCP-3087 is mobile and moves at a constant rate of approximately 8 …
SCP-CN-3087 - SCP International
Description: SCP-CN-3087 is a series of anomalous phenomena occurring on various roads 1 throughout China. During an SCP-CN-3087 incident, a variable number of cars (SCP-CN-3087-1) of different models will spontaneously manifest on the road.
SCP—087 - 哔哩哔哩
描述:SCP-087是一个完全黑暗的平台楼梯,每层是斜38度的13阶楼梯,楼层之间是一个180度的大概直径3米的半圆平台,由于在SCP-087里面可见度只有1.5个阶梯,并且没有任何的壁灯和窗户,所以任何去探索SCP-087的人员必须配备照明设备,光源75瓦足够,超过75瓦不会 ...
The SCP Foundation – SCP Series III (3000 - 3999) | Genius
2017年4月11日 · SCP-3015 - A Story Concerning Self-Doubt, Slight Disillusionment, and Frustration, As Told By the Lucky Member of a Group Whose Relatable Works Are Loved Internationally
第319章 Scp 3087,琪琳巴士_基金会,从天河市开始曝光_飞卢小 …
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