SCP-3102 - SCP Foundation
2017年8月8日 · Description: SCP-3102 is an unidentified species of nonvenomous, tertiary serpents that are closely related to members of the genus Pituophis. SCP-3102 is endemic to the North American Prairies, and the Chihuahuan Desert.
SCP-3102 - SCP基金会
SCP-CN-3102 - SCP基金会
描述:SCP-CN-3102指代一种微型的鼠科啮齿类动物,体长0.1cm~0.3cm,其外观类似叙利亚仓鼠(Mesocricetus auratus),通体呈灰白色。项目仅存在于人类膝关节的关节腔内,当该部位的关节软骨碎片完全脱落,游离碎片异常化形成SCP-CN-3102,其组成细胞及细胞功能无任何变化。
SCP-3103 - SCP基金会
受SCP-3103影响表现出异常行为的个体将被转移到医务室,并仔细检查他们是否有连续的心理变化。 描述: SCP-3103是一个成年雌性棕榈凤头鹦鹉(Probosciger aterrimus)与同一物种的非异常个体外表看起来相同。 当一个人和SCP-3103的距离在5米以内(这种情况只会发生在该个体和SCP-3103处于同一房间内),它会表现出典型的非异常棕榈凤头鹦鹉的遇险行为(大声尖叫,飘忽不定地飞来飞去)。 当人靠近时它的反应表现的更加反复无常,大约20至30分钟以 …
The SCP Foundation – SCP Series III (3000 - 3999) | Genius
2017年4月11日 · SCP-3100 - The Reliquary SCP-3101 - Contain Me Harder SCP-3102 - The Conflagration SCP-3103 - Vengeful Wings SCP-3104 - Cops Magnet SCP-3105 - Laxity SCP-3106 - A Flesh Removing Bog SCP-3107 - The ...
【SCP解説】SCP-3102-JP 『恐怖の形は骸と化した ... - YouTube
2024年10月27日 · SCPゆっくり解説 12本目2週間ぶりの動画投稿です2週間茶番を考えて何一つ思いつきませんでしたつまり、次の動画の茶番も当然思いついてないと ...
SCP-3102 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-3102. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-3102 are to be kept in a fireproof enclosure at Bio-Site-66. Laconic Description: SCP-3102 is a species of bullsnake that emit fire when scared and can also go inside a persons body and make them obsessed with burning the world away.
SCP-3102-JP - SCP 재단 - Wikidot
scp-3102-jp는 "핵무기"라는 명칭으로 알려져 있었다. 또한 핵무기가 비인도적인 성질을 가지고 있고 이를 사용함으로써 실제로 도시와 자연에 막대한 피해를 입할 수 있는 가능성이 있었음에도, 지난 4차 세계대전에서는 1개도 사용되지 않았다.
SCP-3102/The Neverending Can | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
SCP-3102 is a can of beans that are known to be infinite. There is no limit to it and it doesn’t really expire either despite the expiration date. SCP-3102 is allowed to be a good source in the cafeteria and is safe to be eaten by the D-Class and the employees of the foundation.
SCP-102 - SCP Foundation
2024年2月21日 · Description: SCP-102 is a pair of stand-alone condominium-style beach houses located at , , currently owned by Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. through the use of a dummy corporation known as Ghieser Housing Associates, and rented to MC&D members as a "vacation home for those with discerning taste in the eclectic adventures of privileged life ...
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