SCP-3153 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-3153 refers to a species of organisms outwardly resembling the Scolopendra polymorpha species of centipedes, which are native to northwestern Oregon. They measure approximately 1.76 m in length and weigh an average of 82 kg.
SCP-3153 - SCP基金会
scp-3153个体能够利用这些细胞生成新的器官、肢体或是组织,但是这些功能取决于它们与人类的交流次数和情感关系。scp-3153个体的变异似乎仅用来简单地模仿或是取悦与它们建立关系的人类个体。 在初始阶段,scp-3153个体表现类似较为复杂的动物行为。
SCP-3153-蚫蚫我 - 哔哩哔哩
scp-3153个体能够利用这些细胞生成新的器官、肢体或是组织,但是这些功能取决于它们与人类的交流次数和情感关系。scp-3153个体的变异似乎仅用来简单地模仿或是取悦与它们建立关系的人类个体。 在初始阶段,scp-3153个体表现类似较为复杂的动物行为。
SCP-3153 refers to a species of organisms outwardly resembling the Scolopendra polymorpha species of centipedes. Instances of SCP 3153 are capable of forming new organs, limbs and tissues from...
SCP Series 4 - SCP Foundation
2025年3月3日 · SCP-3153 - Bugging Me; SCP-3154 - Terminal State Inducer; SCP-3155 - We Never Sleep; SCP-3156 - Civilization Carrier Case; SCP-3157 - The Second Castle; SCP-3158 - Inconvenient; SCP-3159 - The Trashiest World in the Multiverse; SCP-3160 - There Are Wasps Inside Your Microwave, And They're Stinging You Right Now;
SCP-3153 - SCP財団
scp-3153個体や類似の異常存在をセラピーに利用する案が、 博士の研究論文“人情味ある害虫たちと有害な人間たち: ホモ・サピエンスと異常節足動物との間における非伝統的な友情の発生について”で提言されています。
Storage Site-64 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
The SCP Foundation Portland Research and Containment Facility (USORPL-Site-64), better known as Storage-Site-64, is an SCP Foundation facility located 0.5 km (0.31 m) under Forest Park in Portland, Oregon, U.S. Storage Site-64 primarily contains anomalous art and paratech, particularly related...
SCP-3153 - Bugging Me - YouTube
Code: SCP-3153Title: Bugging MeRating: 172Wordcount: 1198Last Edit: 08 Oct 2022 2024Revision: 18Tags: _cc, animal, arthropod, biological, euclid, mimetic, sc...
SCP-3153 - Bugging Me - Part 4⚠️ | #scp # ... - YouTube
2024年9月14日 · SCP-3153 refers to a species of organisms outwardly resembling the Scolopendra polymorpha species of centipedes.Instances of SCP 3153 are capable of forming ...
SCP-CN-3153 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-CN-3153为一种爆发式出现的群体现象,受影响的人群将无法使用任意语言(含书面、口头及肢体语言形式)传达信息,其之间沟通的唯一方式表现为打斗。 打斗的烈度与时长似乎与传达的信息量正相关。 该种交流方式仅限于受影响人群内部;受影响者与正常个体试图交流时,若采用该种方式,将导致该正常个体被异常影响。 这导致了项目的传染性。 值得注意的是,在采用打斗方式交流时,受影响人群将恢复部分语言能力,但仅限于发出与打斗相关的句段与肢体语 …
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