SCP-3209 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月8日 · Description: SCP-3209 (Sevenia acedia) is an anomalous species of butterfly which preys upon interest. An SCP-3209 specimen feeds by perching on the nose of its target and rapidly fluttering its wings in front of their eyes. Affected animals become lethargic and unmotivated, eventually dying of starvation.
SCP-3209 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-3209(绝望树仙蝶 /Sevenia acedia)是一种以兴趣为食的异常蝴蝶。 SCP-3209个体通过落在目标的鼻子上,快速在其眼前扇动翅膀的方式进食。 受影响动物会变得懒散而懈怠,最终死于饥饿。 智能存在若暴露于SCP-3209会表现出更为复杂的症状。
SCP-3209 - 厭倦蝴蝶 - SCP基金會
描述: SCP-3209(Sevenia acedia)是一種以興趣為食的異常蝴蝶。 SCP-3209實體會降落在目標的鼻子上,並透過快速拍動翅膀完成進食。 受影響動物將因此變得昏昏欲睡並失去動力,最後因饑餓而死。 當暴露於SCP-3209時,智慧生物將表現出一系列更為複雜的症狀。
SCP-3209 - SCP Sandbox III
Description: SCP-3209 (Sevenia acedia) is an anomalous species of butterfly which preys upon interest. An SCP-3209 specimen feeds by perching on the nose of its
SCP-3209 - Boredom Butterfly : Object Class - Euclid - YouTube
Description: SCP-3209 (Sevenia acedia) is an anomalous species of butterfly which preys upon interest. An SCP-3209 specimen feeds by perching on the nose of its target and rapidly fluttering its...
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【ゆっくり紹介】SCP-3209【倦怠蝶】 - YouTube
思いがけない関心の喪失。 それを後悔することも最早できない。 本家記事 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3209...more
SCP3209是什么?-鬼故事 - njomcm.com
SCP3209是什么? SCP-3209(绝望树仙蝶 /Sevenia acedia)是一种以兴趣为食的异常蝴蝶。 SCP-3209个体会落在目标的鼻子上,快速在其眼前扇动翅膀。 受影响动物会变得懒散而懈怠,最终死于饥饿。 智能存在若暴露于SCP-3209会表现出更为复杂的症状。
SCP-3209 - SCP Explained
SCP-3209 Item #: SCP-3209 Object Class: Euclid Laconic Containment Procedures: Wear glasses when interacting with SCP-3209. Laconic Description: SCP-3209 are butterflies that feed on a persons interest in things by landing on a targets nose and flapping their wings. Some of them live in a monastery.
SCP-3209 - SCP 재단
2024年11月4日 · SCP-3209 개체는 목표물의 코에 내려앉아 눈앞에서 날개를 빠르게 퍼덕여 먹이활동을 한다. 영향받은 동물은 무기력하고 의욕을 잃은 상태가 되며, 결국에는 아사한다. 지적존재는 SCP-3209에 노출되면 더 복잡한 일련의 증상을 보인다.