SCP-3626: Do not stop reading this document : r/SCPDeclassified
2018年6月4日 · Description: SCP-3626 1 is the message you are currently reading. Footnote 1: Hello. The SCP can talk to us through blue text. So the thing is sentient, good to know. Also, the email itself is the anomaly. When you read it, you get transported to a pocket dimension, and if you look away from your screen, you'll suffer traumatic hallucinations.
Can somebody explain SCP-3626? : r/SCP - Reddit
2018年2月21日 · 686K subscribers in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | scpwiki.com
Creepypasta VS SCP foundation. : r/SCP - Reddit
2018年8月4日 · There's a sort of smile.dog-esque entity, SCP-3626 - Do not stop reading this document. It's about an anomalous email that forces you to pass it onto someone else, or you have to face a terrible monster. It's very interesting, and here's it's Declassified.
Anyone know some cool SCP pages. : r/SCP - Reddit
2021年6月30日 · scp 3626 is written in the form of a chain email scp 3739 looks almost like a different website entirely, its very impressive those are some of my favourites, but there is a whole content tag for interactive works, and another for video, if you prefer to read them all
The SCP Foundation, Explained - Reddit
SCPDeclassified is a unique subreddit that makes long-form explanations of the most complex works on the SCP wiki. Our declassifications both summarize the article as well as narratively explain and analyze its moving parts and thematic elements to enrich your reading experience. Contactable through Modmail or email, at: [email protected]
Are there any SCPs where the article itself contains an SCP or
2021年5月7日 · SCP-5633 - the ACS/Object Class bar at the top should give you a hint of what you're about to experience - kind of a controversial article and hard to understand, but regardless worth reading SCP-3626: Do not stop reading this document. Do not look away from the screen. SCP-3265: A literal mindfuck
What SCPs are the best for begginers? : r/SCP - Reddit
2022年12月6日 · Besides.. aren't 049's tales a bit complicated for a beginner as well..? Getting him to read the files alone is okay though, I guess that's what you meant 😅 If that is the case, I'd recommend him: SCP-087 SCP-426 SCP-610 SCP-1471 SCP-3626 SCP-4975
How do I give my SCP a name? : r/SCP - Reddit
2024年4月12日 · Let's say your scp is in the 8000's, go to the series 9 page where you can see all the SCPs in series 9. Find the edit button at the bottom and find the raw text next to your number. Change it from 'Access Denied' to whatever the name is.
SCP-3626 : N'arrêtez pas de lire ce document : r/SCPDeclassified
2018年6月4日 · Ouvrir le menu Ouvrir l’onglet de navigation Retour à l’accueil de Reddit. r/SCPDeclassified A chip A close button. Télécharger l'app Télécharger l’application Reddit Se connecter Se connecter à Reddit
Looking for format screw : r/SCP - Reddit
2022年3月26日 · I remember the article trying to dissuade you from reading it to completion. But then as you went further, it would start telling you the opposite…