SCP-3709 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-3709 is a black metal stapler. Its primary anomalous property is its ability to punch a staple through any material or materials. The name "Avelar" is engraved on the top of the handle and a customer support phone number is located on the bottom of the object.
SCP-3709 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-3709是一台黑色的金属订书机。它的主要异常性质是可以钉穿任何材料。在其把手顶部刻有“Avelar”字样,在其底部有一客户支持电话号码。 在被弹出时,装入SCP-3709的订书钉会变长、变大、耐受力增强,以此穿透夹在它和SCP-3709底板上的材料。
cn-3709 - SCP基金会
scp-cn-3709-a是一系列异常事件,每年公历11月1日至12月31日期间在项目内部随机发生,持续时间3~21天不等。 当且仅当事件发生期间从项目南部边界进入项目可以观察到SCP-CN-3709-A,后者的发生完全独立,对项目范围外区域尚无确定影响。
SCP-CN-3709 - SCP International
Description: SCP-CN-3709 is an anomalous region of sea, located roughly at 39°N, 116°E. Researchers have indicated that the southern border of the anomaly extends 5 km to the east and west of a point 21 km directly south of the object's center 1.
SCP-3709 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-3709. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-3709 is to be kept in a secure locker at Site-55. Laconic Description: SCP-3709 is a black stapler engraved with the word "Avelar" that can put staples into anything.
The real reason that backhoe rips through your leased lines at 4am
2017年7月15日 · SCP-3709-J exhibits mind-affecting behavior when the use case of bundled fibers is for data transmission via external conduit, in the form of a compulsion for anyone capable of operating heavy machinery to immediately sever the cable.
SCP-3708 - SCP基金会
描述:scp-3708是一个重5千克,高21厘米的石制雄鸡 1 雕像。 每日清晨6:30(当地时间),SCP-3708将被准时激活并发出一声75-80分贝的鸡啼。 随后它会伸长脖颈,似在扫视周边区域,并表露出越发沮丧的情绪。
CN-HUB - SCP International - Wikidot
"You're right, but "Memeism" is a brand new SCP-CN canon hub initiated by Ninth BB. The hub takes place in a fantasy world called 'SCPverse', where those chosen by the authors are granted the 'Meme', which guides memetic power.
The SCP Foundation Database
When an SCP is discovered, the SCP Foundation deploys agents either to collect and transport the SCP to a Foundation facility, or to contain it at its location of discovery if transport is not possible. Once SCPs are contained, they are studied by Foundation scientists. Each object is assigned a unique identification number, such as SCP-1983.
SCP-372 | SCP - 收容失效 中文维基 - Fandom
scp-372是种未知物种的生物,身长从头到尾约2米,体重约45千克。 它的身体细长,有八对窄足。 其躯体的每一部分都异常灵活,足上包覆着几乎能攀附在任何固体表面的细小纤维。
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