SCP-3728 - SCP Foundation
2017年6月13日 · Description: SCP-3728 are 231 large squeaky clown hammers produced by Incorporated. Each hammer is composed of a long red shaft with several serrations, and a double head, blue in coloration, with ringed edges. SCP-3728 is …
SCP-3728 - SCP基金会
2024年4月5日 · 基金会人员在进一步调查发现,SCP-3728是 有限公司在印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯郊外的一家玩具厂生产的一批锤子。 经过审讯和记录检查,有32名先前没有记录过的员工在SCP-3728生产的一周内每天打卡上班。 对公共数据库交叉检查后发现,并不存在与上述员工的姓名或外貌特征相匹配的人。 在接受询问时,工厂车间经理表示,上述员工的整个就业历史都在该工厂工作,且声称对上述人员的当前状况或下落一无所知。 对收据和财务记录的分析表明,所 …
SCP-CN-3728 - SCP基金会
2024年6月3日 · 描述: SCP-CN-3728疑似为SCP基金会中国分部站点Site-CN-345,根据其内部结构可被确认为由基金会所建造的末日抗性站点,其内部的大量异常功能现已因外部打击而损毁,可认定为无明显异常效应
SCP-3728 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-3728. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: All 231 instances of SCP-3728 are to be kept in a storage locker at Site-77. Laconic Description: SCP-3728 is a series of squeaky hammer capable of launching people long distances while causing them to become either blind, deaf, or mute.
SCP-CN-3727 - SCP基金会
SCP-CN-3727-A代指栖居鱼缸内的若干微缩生物种群。 SCP-CN-3727-A具备趋同的外观特征,即个体近似缩小的宏观尺度海洋生物,如鱿鱼(Teuthida),磷虾(Euphausiidae)等,体长普遍小于1mm。
SCP-3728 - Vs. Battles Wiki
SCP-3728 are 231 large squeaky clown hammers produced by Incorporated. Each hammer is composed of a long red shaft with several serrations, and a double head, blue in coloration, with ringed edges. SCP-3728 is non-anomalous when used to strike most surfaces.
2019年6月8日 · They hit you, and you just get freaking atomized, and you spread throughout the Milky Way. Link to the original article: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3728
FurCon 20XX - SCP Sandbox Wiki II
GoI-27 uses anomalous technology (designated SCP-3728-A) in the fields of genetic modification and plastic surgery in attempts to physically alter individuals to resemble anthropomorphic mammals, fish, reptiles, or birds.
SCP-372 | SCP - 收容失效 中文维基 | Fandom
SCP-372学会了在脉冲发生的时机移动,并能够预测其周围任何生命的运动。 它利用这种技巧进行躲藏,藏在寻找它的人的脑后和盲点,或者利用他们眼球转动时眨眼的瞬间藏匿。
SCP-3727 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-3727 is a 52 year old caucasian male with the ability to remotely manipulate syringes, as well as any objects that resemble a syringe in shape.
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