scp-3813 - VS Battles Wiki Forum
Both at 7-C. Both at Peak Human speeds. 3813's being piloted. SBA otherwise. SCP-3813: 0 Hyperion (Idling to Rule the Gods): 1 (Lawiegg) Inconclusive: 0
Eustace Bagge vs SCP-3813 - VS Battles Wiki Forum
2019年6月1日 · SCP-3813 has Intelligence and Range Eustace Bagge has Lifting Strength and regeration help I'm assuming SCP-3813 is baseline 7-B. This means Eustace has a ├ù3 AP edge Now, does SCP-3813 use transmission in character? If he does, then I …
scp 3812 - VS Battles Wiki Forum
2023年3月13日 · SCP-3812 vs Luminous Being Speed = 1-A+ Versions are used Both in Character 3812: Luminous: Incon: Tau;
Hyperion vs Hyperion - VS Battles Wiki Forum
2019年8月11日 · Both at 7-C. Both at Peak Human speeds. 3813's being piloted. SBA otherwise. SCP-3813: 0 Hyperion (Idling to Rule the Gods): 1 (Lawiegg) Inconclusive: 0
Eustace Bagge vs SCP-3813 | Page 2 | VS Battles Wiki Forum
2019年8月24日 · We need Patreon donations for this forum to have all of its running costs financially secured. Community members who help us out will receive badges that give them several different benefits, including the removal of all advertisements in this forum, but donations from non-members are also extremely appreciated.
hyperion (idling to rule the gods) | VS Battles Wiki Forum
2022年5月12日 · We need Patreon donations for this forum to have all of its running costs financially secured. Community members who help us out will receive badges that give them several different benefits, including the removal of all advertisements in this forum, but donations from non-members are also extremely appreciated.
New SCP Rules and Revisions Thread | VS Battles Wiki Forum
2018年7月17日 · General Discussion thread for the revisions needed to be implemented. Please read over the "SCPs that need minor changes" and "SCPs that need major changes" if you'd like to start help implementing the new rules. For an example of how the new pages should look, read the rules and see here...
Scp 3812 upgrade - VS Battles Wiki Forum
2023年11月26日 · no, there is no mention of false narratives, unfortunately. The words that scp 682 utters are already in line with the 2nd possibility that the Foundation says about scp 3812. there he says that he didn't die, he just went beyond reality so he was no longer related to 682. also there are 2 types of narratives, anti-narrative and normal narrative, there is no other type of narrative. i would ...
Featherine (Umineko) vs SCP-3812 (SCP Foundation)
2021年5月12日 · Both in character Fight start at 10 meters away from each other 1-A+ keys are being used Featherine : 3 SCP-3812 : Incon :
eustace bagge - VS Battles Wiki Forum
2022年4月6日 · Eustace Bagge vs SCP-3813. speed equalised Both are at 7-B 3813 Is being piloted Eustace has his Mallet ...