SCP-3821 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-3821 refers to a standard blue United States Postal Service collection box. Its anomalous effects can be observed when an envelope weighing under 13 oz., containing a letter, and labeled with a valid postage stamp is inserted into the anomaly.
SCP-CN-3821 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-CN-3821为一发生在万圣节前夜的异常现象,具体表现为大量灵体(称SCP-CN-3821-1)将同时显现聚集并进行同向高速移动。 该过程中SCP-CN-3821-1将沿路寻找具有甜味的碳水化合物并尝试附着于其上。 次日日出后SCP-CN-3821将结束,所有SCP-CN-3821-1均会消失。 附录CN/3821: 事故记录. TING论坛于2024年10月31日晚在术加市绕城高速上组织了一场名为“幽灵战车沪爷冲击”的赛车活动,具体内容为在赛车表面上涂上糖霜并尝试通过驾驶赛车从后方追 …
SCP-3820 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-3820是一种现象的统称,在这种现象中, 犬科动物 或 猫科动物 的异常活体,被称为SCP-3820-A,会在地球上自发出现和消失。 SCP-3820-A个体可在全世界任何有人类居住的地点突然出现,它们出现的地点似乎没有规律。 经证实的SCP-3820-A出现的视频记录显示,画面中突然出现一束明亮的蓝色闪光,其持续约一秒钟后消失,至少有一个SCP-3820-A个体在闪光的中心处出现。 已知SCP-3820-A种群由各种品种组成,包括目前未知的血统或基因工程杂交品种。 …
SCP-3821: "Stuck in the Mailroom" - YouTube
2019年9月24日 · Link for those who wish to follow along:http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3821
The SCP Foundation – SCP Series III (3000 - 3999) | Genius
2017年4月11日 · SCP-3815 - Elena the Ever-Present SCP-3816 - Blue Light SCP-3817 - Suffering For Your Art SCP-3818 - Two Favours One SCP-3819 - Box of Desire SCP-3820 - Sitting and Caring for Pets SCP-3821 ...
SCP-3821 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
SCP-3821 is a 6’0 humanoid creature with a slim body structure. Their legs resemble one of a mountain goats hein legs but it is yet to be proven yeh exact species. Their arms are much longer than that if a normal human’s, reaching down to at least their lower calf. The arms merge perfectly into a large claw.
SCP-3820 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-3820 is a member of Canis lupus familiaris that is coated entirely in a material similar in texture and appearance to calcite, but is malleable enough to allow for normal movement. Other than the aforementioned anomalous properties, SCP-3820 vaguely resembles and behaves like a 5-year-old, female Golden Retriever.
SCP一覧3000-3999 - SCP財団
2025年3月13日 · コンテンツアーカイブ. foundation-introduction-hub - 機動部隊、内部部門等に関する資料です。; Joke SCP - 素晴らしいジョークのために、全てのルールを放棄したSCPです。; アーカイブされたページの一覧 - 追加資料としての用途目的で、あるいはスタッフ権限によってアーカイブ化された記事です。
tripropylhazelnut - Trang Nháp SCP-VN
Mô tả: SCP-3821 là một hộp thư tiêu chuẩn màu xanh của Dịch vụ Bưu chính Hoa Kỳ. Hiện tượng dị thường của nó có thể được quan sát khi một phong bì nặng dưới 13 oz., chứa một lá thư, và được dán nhãn với một tem bưu chính hợp lệ được bỏ vào dị thể.
Chaos Insurgency - Villains Wiki | Fandom
The Chaos Insurgency (or C.I.) are major antagonists in the SCP Foundation franchise. The Chaos Insurgency was formed by former agents from the SCP Foundation who defected from the organization and attempt to destroy it. The Chaos Insurgency has access to a more limited amount of SCPs than the...
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