SCP-3872 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-3872 is William Henry Seward, US Secretary of State from 1861 to 1869, and appears to be biologically immortal. SCP-3872 is, at this time, biologically 56 years of age. SCP-3872 has shown no visible or medical signs of aging. SCP-3872 possesses no other anomalous abilities or attributes.
SCP-3872 - SCP基金会
SCP-3872表现出严重心理恶化,推测是其在美国安保收容倡议会(ASCI)下Site-22内被单独隔离了75-80年所致。 可在附录B查阅Dr. Jamesson进行心理检查的记录。 根据互有矛盾的ASCI记录,SCP-3872在1920年到1926年间被首次投入收容。 在确认SCP-3872与1919年波士顿“糖蜜灾难” 1 (230万加仑糖浆泄露造成21人死亡、大量人员受伤)有关后,确定有必要进行收容。 SCP-3872称其引发洪水是为防止这些糖浆被用于食品制造。 1. 参见 1919年波士顿糖蜜灾难。 [译 …
SCP-CN-3872 - SCP基金会
该文件内有一模因异常,现已对其进行了完全收容。 通过常规手段调阅相关文档已不再可能,如有需要请阅览本页唯一附件。 SCP基金会“最高机密”档案,解密以供欣赏。
SCP-3872 | Villains Wiki | Fandom
SCP-3872 is a character in the SCP Foundation. He is William Henry Seward, a former secretary of state who achieved immortality and caused the Great Molasses Flood to prevent molasses from being used in consumer products.
SCP-3872 - SCP財団
SCP-3872は、75~80年間にわたってASCIサイト-22跡地で孤立状態にあったことが原因と仮定される深刻な精神衰退の兆候を示しています。 ジェイムソン博士による心理的評価の記録は補遺Bで閲覧可能です。
SCP-382 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · SCP-382-2 appears to be an infant, between and months old, extremely emaciated, with several injuries that seem to vary with each manifestation. On different occasions, SCP-382-2 has shown heavy bruising, broken bones, and sometimes [DATA EXPUNGED] despite which 382-2 could still make vocalizations, although it is unknown how this was possible.
SCP收容物列表 | SCP基金会中文 Wiki | Fandom
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SCP-CN-3872 - Fishbone
页面版本: 24, 最后编辑于: 27 Nov 2024, 00:53 (18 days 前)
SCP 3872 - Consult an Alchemist - SAFE - YouTube
2020年9月9日 · A reading of a very odd SCP, but an interesting one indeed. Want more horror? The narrator, Billie Dean Shoemate III is the author of over 30 horror an...more
SCP-3872 "Soulbound Slime" | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Description: SCP-3872, designated as the "Soulbound Slime," is an anomalous slime entity that possesses the ability to initiate soul transference when a human subject approaches within a certain range. SCP-3872 appears as a transparent, gelatinous substance with a …
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