SCP-3911 - SCP Foundation
The Foundation convoy carrying SCP-3911 was attacked en-route by members of GoI-0432 ("The Hunter's Black Lodge"), a criminal organization with ties to the Russian Mafia and a known Neo-Sarkic cult. How they were able to acquire information on the transport and its whereabouts is currently under investigation. SCP-3911 was initially transported ...
SCP-3911: The Thorn of God by MalyceGraves - YouTube
2023年5月31日 · The story focuses on SCP-3911, a bone staff that can transform its wielder into a monstrous creature with regenerative abilities and a hunger for flesh. The staff is also linked to an ancient god...
Armed Reliquary and Containment Area-02 - SCP Database Wiki
Armed Reliquary and Containment Area-02 is a remote, highly secure SCP Foundation facility that contains extremely dangerous anomalies. Equipped with a battalion-strength security department, Area-02 also possesses several nuclear fail-safes as a last resort.
The Thorn of God | SCPOneCanonProject Wiki | Fandom
The Thorn of God is the three thousand, nine hundred, and eleventh SCP entry. The entry is included in Act I of In Memoria, Adytum.
SCP-3911 - Fondation SCP
SCP-3911-2 désigne collectivement un long divan en forme de canapé 3 et un pouf 4, tous deux fabriqués à partir d'os humains et incrustés de verre décoratif. Le coussin du divan semble être fait d'un matériau ressemblant à du tissu, bien que l'analyse des échantillons prélevés sur le tissu indique qu'il est tissé à partir de ...
SCP-3911 - SCP財団
SCP-3911 - Шип бога
SCP-3911-1 испускает мощное скрытое излучение Акивы. Осторожно: ни при каких обстоятельствах приверженцы религиозной организации, указанной в списке религиозных существ Участка 2, не должны назначаться на SCP-3911. SCP-3911-1 содержится в укреплённом ящике в Усиленном Реликварии Участка 2.
SCP-CN-3911 肠青膏 - Fishbone
2024年12月6日 · 描述: SCP-CN-3911是一种青黑色油状物,粘性大,流动性差,味苦,散发腥味。 该项目会产生自人体腹腔内,出现方式未知。 当SCP-CN-3911出现在目标体内时,会附着在目标消化系统外壁上。 随着项目的不断产生累积,目标的消化系统压力将逐渐增大,功能受阻,最终导致消化系统痉挛、绞痛、溃疡溃烂、穿孔、坏死,或引发目标便秘、消化不良、肠道菌群紊乱等其他消化道疾病,严重情况下可能危及目标生命。 目前可通过手术的方式将目标体内的SCP …
Shit Art — SCP-3911 - YouTube
2020年9月7日 · oh lookie it's another onemoar artwith da blendhttp://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3911 - Written by: MalyceGraves
Of Lovataar and the Throne | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
2020年6月14日 · Grand Karcist Ion Klavigar Lovataar Ptah Klavigar Saarn Solomonari Valkzaron Feast of Sukanta Church of the Broken God Mekhanites Daevite Empire Kourites Sarkicism Kalmaktama Empire SCP Foundation Administrative Department O5 Council Department of Task Forces Mobile Task Forces Scientific...
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