SCP-3916 - SCP Foundation
2021年3月28日 · Description: SCP-3916 is a species of insect that physically resembles Chortoicetes terminifera (Australian Plague Locust). However, SCP-3916 has two anomalous traits of particular note. First, SCP-3916 eats at an alarming rate. A single instance is able to consume roughly 100g of matter per second. SCP-3916 has only been found to eat fresh ...
SCP-3916 - SCP基金会
第一,scp-3916以一种令人担忧的速度进食。单只实体每秒可消耗约100g食物。目前仅发现scp-3916进食新鲜植物。 第二,scp-3916的繁殖速度异常快,且为无性生殖。一个scp-3916实体将随着食物的消耗肉眼可见地增大,在达到一定的体型阈值后,分裂为两个scp-3916实体 ...
SCP-CN-3916-是轮回?还是循环? - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
CHI-yu - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
SCP-3916 - SCP基金会
scp-3916拥有两个值得特别注意的异常性质。 第一,scp-3916以一种令人担忧的速度进食。单只实体每秒可消耗约100g食物。目前仅发现scp-3916-0 进食新鲜植物, 而scp-3916-1可进食新鲜食物与动物尸体。 第二,scp-3916的繁殖速度异常快,且为无性生殖。
SCP-3916 - SCP Foundation
2021年8月18日 · Description: SCP-3916 is a species of insect that physically resembles Chortoicetes terminifera (Australian Plague Locust). There are two subspecies of SCP-3916, designated SCP-3916-0 and SCP-3916-1. All instances of SCP-3916-1 are currently contained at Site-121, while all wild instances are of subspecies 0.
SCP - 3916 - 'Hungry Locust' - YouTube
"SCP-3916" by DrMorris, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-3916. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including th...
Wanderer's Library | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
As SCP-3916 devoured everything in their path and steadily destroyed the world, the Serpent's Hand sealed the Way that connected the Library to that world to ensure its safety. However, as the books originating from that world crumbled due to the world having been destroyed, an instance of SCP-3916 emerged from the remains and began taking over ...
3916,一种异常蝗虫,无性繁殖,一只1秒可吃一百克,吃够五百克可分裂出新一只,一开始被威尔逊那里收容,结果半路运货收容失效,而基金会又圣母,只收容不灭绝,一个研究员被蝗虫吃了,使得蝗虫从开始只吃植物进化吃动物再进化到吃无机物,变成昆虫 ...
SCP-CN-3917 - SCP基金会
描述:scp-cn-3917是一条位于吉林省长春市的异常道路。当生活或曾经生活在scp-cn-3917周围的人类个体在该道路及其周边区域独自行走至少10分钟以上时,一次事件scp-cn-3917-1可能在该个体上发生。 事件scp-cn-3917-1: