SCP-3973 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-3973 is a standard miniature from the tabletop war game Warhammer 40,000 1. The object is physically unremarkable, being composed of plastic and reaching a height of …
SCP Foundation-WH40k Crossover Thread - SpaceBattles
2020年2月26日 · Among them is one of my creations, a SCP Foundation-WH40k crossover fic. After a few different happenings, I've decided that making this its own thread is a good idea. …
如果你必须穿越到以下三个世界,哪个世界最黑暗绝望? - 知乎
General SCP Crossover Thread - SpaceBattles
2021年1月9日 · Welcome to the General SCP Crossover Thread. This is a thread mainly for people who want to write crossover SCP articles. Short story crossovers are also allowed. This …
克苏鲁世界,SCP世界和战锤40k世界都是什么世界? - 知乎
战锤40k:本质是,披着科幻外衣的伪科幻太空歌剧,唯一的星际人类政权:人类帝国,在荷鲁斯大叛乱结束后失去一个文明的“未来”,内部是国教的封建狂热,几近令人感到窒息的保守氛围,愚 …
SCP-40000. | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
SCP-40000-1 is a seemingly ordinary game board resembling the popular tabletop game Warhammer 40k. Notably, it bears both Wondertainment and Games Workshop logos, …
战锤40K里的四神能过SCP基金会的模因和逆模因吗? - 知乎
当然,你还不如期望战锤40K所有人类都转化为无魂者来解决四神更可靠一些。 如题,模因可以彻底灭杀四神,无法复活的那种吗?
SCP in 40k : r/Warhammer - Reddit
2020年9月30日 · Which SCP would survive in 41rst millennia in grim dark future? Which SCP will wont survive the universe, or at least would be badly damaged? Edit: For those who dont …
SCP-3973 | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
SCP-3973 was a Warhammer 40,000 figurine statue from the "Space Marines + Paint" set which through unknown means gained sentience and the power to manipulate the probability of …