SCP-4119 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-4119 is a young adult Hispanic female, identifying as "Thalia Contreras". Surfaces within the central 11° cone of SCP-4119's line of sight excrete films of an oily, explosive liquid.
SCP-4199 炸药小姐 - 哔哩哔哩
scp-4119视线圆锥中心11度内的物体表面上会分泌出一层易爆油性液体。scp-4119的视线会在最大约700米内不可控制地产出液体;超出此外,scp-4119必须在物理上发挥自身才能产生液体分泌。 scp-4119产生的液体为71%的硝化甘油和29%的人血;此血液与scp-4119在基因上不匹配。
SCP-4119 - SCP Café Podcast
Item #: SCP-4119. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4119 is contained within a modified, blast-resistant cell within a Faraday cage. An internal cavity magnetron maintains a constant low-wattage stream of microwaves within the chamber; all internal surfaces are kept at a temperature of 50°C.
SCP 4119 Miss Dynamite - YouTube
SCP-4119 is Thalia Contreras, a Hispanic woman with the ability to create and ignite nitroglycerin from her eyes. Her origins is extradimensional in nature and this is the story of how she was...
SCP-1831 - Yerko's Sandbox
Description: SCP-4119 is a young adult Hispanic female, identifying as "Thalia Contreras". Surfaces within the central 11° cone of SCP-4119's line of sight excrete films of an oily, explosive liquid.
SCP-4119 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-4119. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-4119 is contained within a blast proof cell within a faraday cage. Laconic Description: SCP-4119 is a Hispanic woman named Thalia Contreras. Anything in her line of sight will cover in an explosive liquid and detonate.
SCP-4119 | Alt Battles Wiki | Fandom
SCP-4119 is a young adult Hispanic female, identifying as "Thalia Contreras". Surfaces within the central 11° cone of SCP-4119's line of sight excrete films of an oily, explosive liquid. SCP-4119's vision will trigger liquid uncontrollably up to a range of approximately 700m; beyond this, SCP-4119 must exert itself physically to cause liquid ...
SCP-4119 - SCP財団
2017年2月19日 · アイテム番号: SCP-4119. オブジェクトクラス: Euclid. 特別収容プロトコル: SCP-4119はファラデーケージ内にある改良された対爆収容室に収容されます。内部の空洞マグネトロンが室内に低ワット数マイクロ波の一定の流れを維持します。
SCP-4119-JP-J - SCP財団
アイテム番号: SCP-4119-JP-J. オブジェクトクラス: Safe Euclid. 特別収容プロトコル: 財団Webクローラは閲覧可能なSCP-4119-JP-Jの検出を行い早急に削除を行うよう設定されます。また同時に対抗ミーム”眉メンソール”の流布が行われます。
SCP-4118 - SCP基金会
SCP-4118-1是一种小型可动玩具,由类似聚氯乙烯(PVC)/热塑性弹性体(TPE)/丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯(ABS)的硬塑料制成,外形酷似各种史前生物,最常见的是中生代物种,但也有以更早期物种为原型的个体被创造。 同时也观察到新生代物种产生,但其出现概率远低于更早期的物种。 目前尚未有人形实体产生的记录。 SCP-4118-1的体型波动范围较大,目前观测到的实例身高从3厘米至60厘米不等。 这些实例能够进食,但事实上并不需要进食,可以以一种静滞状态在无食 …
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