SCP-4168 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · Description: SCP-4168 is a ring with a heart-shaped opal stone. SCP-4168's anomalous properties currently only manifest when worn by SCP-4168-1. SCP-4168-1 is a 23-year-old woman named Marie Ang. SCP-4168-2 is a 24-year-old man named Simon Langson.
SCP-4168(旧) - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-4168是一枚戒指——直径为13.26毫米的黄铁 1 指环上,镶着一颗41.7毫米的心形芙蓉石。SCP-4168的异常性质目前只在被SCP-4168-1佩戴时才会显现。SCP-4168-1是一位名为Marie Ang的23岁女性。SCP-4168-2是一位名为Simon Langson的24岁男性。
SCP-4169 - SCP基金会
SCP-4169-1 :一种异常巨大的沙螽,外观类似于堡礁巨人沙螽 4 ,体长可达一米。 该物种的个体具有不同的体色,最常见的有:黄、棕与黑色。 SCP-4169-1曾被观测到以巨大的数量成群行动。 SCP-4169-2 :一种类似于盔节胸马陆 5 的节肢动物。 但其食性与推测为植食性的节胸马陆不同,为肉食性。 有理论推测,SCP-4169-2发生了此种演化是适应SCP-4169内部缺乏植物以及恶劣的生存环境的结果。 SCP-4169-3 :SCP-4169-3是一种大型掠食性六足动物 6 ,体高可达1 …
被删除的條目 - SCP基金会
2024年12月12日 · 此处列出的条目为曾经存在于英文站上的文章,并且因为各种原因(大都是得分过低)被删掉了。 它们有一些未必不值得一看,和英文站的管理人员沟通的结论是我们应该保留它们,不过它们在基金会世界观体系上已经没有任何作用了。 部分已经删除的文章原文可以在 此处 寻得。 SCP-031 - 爱为何物? SCP-2621 - 警告:替代品必须为同一型号! SCP-4210 - SCP-4210 - SCP-4210 - SCP-4210 - SCP-4210 - SCP-4210 … SCP-4345 - 虽然我没一棵树强,但我没权 …
SCP-4168 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-4168. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: Marie Ang and Simon Langston are to be kept together at all times. Laconic Description: SCP-4168 is a woman named Marie Ang that begins to decompose if not near her ex …
SCP-4168 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2017年7月17日 · SCP-4168, when near an injured human, or watching a human get hurt, breaks down into tears and tries to help the human, or looks away and retreats into the fetal position. NOTE: SCP-4168 is not to be tested in where an injured animal or human is involved.
SCP系列(4000-4999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SCP-4159 - 老天爷啊有什么东西碰了我的腿; SCP-4160 - 不以史为鉴者; SCP-4161 - 轮回。 SCP-4162 - 不需要任何理由就可以杀了你的蛋; SCP-4163 - 俄罗斯方块天才; SCP-4164 - 普适指导手册; SCP-4165 - 这个想法长腿了; SCP-4166 - (Former) Teenage Succubus; SCP-4167 - Heterophyes neurensis; SCP-4168 ...
Scp 4168 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2019年7月4日 · Scp 4168 is a keter-class scp. Scp 4168 has the appearance of a chinchilla. Scp 4168 has an unique effect on people, everyone that sees scp 4168 goes in to a state of crippling fear. All who have seen scp 4168 have either committed suicide or died or died of a heart-attack. Scp 4168 only consumes iron, gold or other minerals.
SCP-4168 - Fundação SCP
Descrição: SCP-4168 é um anel com uma pedra opala em formato de coração. As propriedades anômalas de SCP-4168 atualmente só se manifestam quando usado por SCP-4168-1. SCP …
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