SCP-4344 - SCP Foundation
2023年4月28日 · Description: SCP-4344 is a metallic spacecraft constructed from a large, hollowed-out asteroid, currently orbiting in the asteroid belt. SCP-4344 is approximately 4.9 km long, and 2.8 km wide, and is mainly composed of an iridium-iron skeleton with a coating of living, armored reptilian skin 4m thick, seamlessly bonded to the metal.
"V" is for [REDACTED] | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
If SCP-4344 breaches containment in his active state, SCP Foundation personnel have to hope that he teleports to his containment chamber by accident. Any researchers wishing to communicate with SCP-4344 must learn Sanskrit before doing so.
SCP-4444 - SCP Foundation
SCP-4444 is capable of altering the dimensionality of Vice President Gore, allowing him to become incorporeal in order to evade or escape containment. When doing this, SCP-4444 begins to glow brightly under infrared, and both itself and the Vice President become capable of walking through any and all physical barriers.
SCP-4343 - SCP Foundation
2024年1月29日 · Description: SCP-4343 is a primeval entity discovered in SCP-4343-A. Being constrained in a marble building measuring around 60m x 72m x 30m, it is currently not capable of moving or breaking away.
2020年7月18日 · 你能以右侧的标签云或者标签指导来浏览标签。 如果你想一次搜索多个标签,试试高级 标签搜索。 SCP基金会“最高机密”档案,解密以供欣赏。
SCP系列 5 - SCP基金会
2025年2月27日 · 被归档的SCP - 这些SCP由于被用于基金会故事或因为工作人员的职权而被保留。 已解明SCP - 这些SCP们,按当前的认知标准,已经不再被视为奇怪的、超自然的、或所谓‘非凡’的。
SCP-4344 - SCP財団
無人探査機を介したSCP-4344の探査で、船内には2ヶ所のエアロックがあり、通常は窒素70%、酸素28%、その他の気体 (主にアルゴンと二酸化炭素)2%の内部大気を維持していると明らかになりました。
【SCP基金会】SCP-2000~SCP-2999(搬运自官网) - 哔哩哔哩
SCP-2972 - 塞瓦斯托波尔市的别家停车场 SCP-2973 - Ihct͟o̢ga̴m͠a̢t SCP-2974 - 盐腌蜥蜴干 SCP-2975 - 另一个太阳 SCP-2976 - 末王之厅 SCP-2977 - 潜望镜蚁 SCP-2978 - 主板小世界 SCP-2979 - 教你中学物理的 [已编辑]老师 SCP-2980 - 鬼故事夜灯 SCP-2981 - 土豆泥朋友 SCP-2982 - Televon Telefex ...
Форум — SCP-4344 - Астероиды не пройдут
2019年3月2日 · Форум » Обсуждение и знакомство » Обсуждение отдельных страниц » SCP-4344 - Астероиды не пройдут Создатель: system Дата: 07:54 25.12.2018 Сообщений: 2 Это обсуждение страницы SCP-4344 - Астероиды не пройдут
SCP-9900 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom - scp-fanon.fandom.com
The subject's ultimate fate is unknown, though there is a 33% chance of getting killed, a 12% chance of provoking SCP-4344, a 25% chance of becoming an instance of SCP-4344-2, a 10% chance of the subject getting teleported to its home and dying soon afterwards, a 10% chance of getting infected by SCP-5043, and a 5% chance of turning into a ...
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