SCP-4424 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月8日 · SCP-4424-3 are six humanoid entities wearing uniforms identical to those worn by train employees of the company whose trains SCP-4424-2 is imitating. Instances of SCP-4424-3 perform the jobs their uniforms correspond to 1 , and have been observed to behave in a cheerful and welcoming manner.
SCP-4424 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-4424. Object Class: Keter. Laconic Containment Procedures: Their is no reliable way to contain SCP-4424. Laconic Description: SCP-4424 is an event where a train will break down and another train will replace it at the station. This train …
最近新增的翻译页面 - SCP基金会
SCP-4424 - SCP財団
scp-4424-3は、scp-4424-2が模倣する鉄道会社の職員と同一の制服を着用している6体のヒト型実体です。scp-4424-3個体群は自らの制服に対応する職務をこなし 1 、快活かつ友好的に振る舞うことが確認されています。各scp-4424-3個体の容姿、とりわけ外見上の人種は ...
SCP - 4424 'The Train With No Final Station' - YouTube
SCP-4425 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-4425是指一个人的颅内区域自行出现大量铝的现象。 铝主要围绕着受试者的大脑生长直到最终包裹住受试者的整个大脑。 据观察,在完全包裹受试者的颅骨区域之前,这一过程会潜伏一段时间。 完全包裹后,铝会形成罐头的形状,此刻起,它即为SCP-4425-1。 罐头的内容物与个体脑组织被压缩的预期结果不同,通常包含各种调味肉类、蔬菜等。 SCP-4425-1 还被发现其上通常会贴有一个标签。 标签正面通常写着“Arkady大厨的罐装惊喜”,背面则写着个体的名字和一个 …
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
5000到5099 scp-5000 - 为什么?scp-5001 - 神圣不可侵犯scp-5002 - 收容室女尸之谜scp-5003 - 衰竭scp-5004 - 狂妄之人scp-5005 - 长夜孤灯scp-5006 - 无人可信scp-5007 - 巴斯海峡scp-5008 - 噤声scp-5009 - 第2…
SCP-4424 - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect. Sister Sites SCP International; Wanderer's Library; ... SCP-4424. Forum » Writing Help / Help: Drafts Critique » SCP-4424 Started by: ThankYouEel Date: 10 Dec 2018 07:52 Number of posts: 2 RSS: New posts.
Searching for a specific train SCP : r/SCP - Reddit
2023年4月27日 · Quite a bit of time ago I stumbled across a specific train SCP, but absolutely do not remember it's numbe. I've not been able to find for so long that at this point I'm questioning wether it actually existed or if my mind is playing a trick on me. Here's the description as far as I …
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