SCP-4427 - SCP Foundation
2021年9月2日 · Description: SCP-4427 designates a phenomena by which an incorporeal anomaly — visible only in thermal imaging as a 37.8°C sphere exactly 60 centimeters in …
SCP-4427 - SCP基金会
AC-27卫星侦察系统旨在通过分辨确切的尺寸和温度以识别SCP-4427并发出自动警报;地球上所有基金会设施的现场安全主管都可以使用该系统,如果在附近发现SCP-4427,则应立即派遣相 …
A Day Notable to Nobody - SCP Foundation
"You have three minutes and fifty seconds," Trauss announces as he enters Room 35 to greet SCP-4427-B. He starts a timer on his watch and removes a bulky plastic box from his belt as …
SCP-4427 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-4427 is a phenomenon where an invisible orb will appear in a high-traffic area and will give some of the people who walk through it anomalous abilities. Additional …
Site-42 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP Foundation Site-42 is an SCP Foundation facility located in Sea Breeze, North Carolina designed to contain sapient SCPs.
SCP Series 5 - Tales Edition
2024年11月26日 · Ever wish you could find all the works featuring your favorite SCPs? Well, now you can! This is meant to be an easy way to access such content for fans, writers, and other …
“Nobody”中心页 - SCP基金会
于同一时间未侦测到两名“Nobody”的个体。 频繁地,但不总是,“Nobody”外表为一名具有欧洲血统的人类男性老者,身着灰色或黑色西装。 “Nobody”经常毫无理由地协助基金会。 另外一些 …
Hub Mặt Nạ Vỡ - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
"Since SCP-4427's existence was initially noted by the Foundation in October 2019, statistics saw an increase of 40% in global media reporting on the topic of human anomalies and an …
SCP系列5故事版 - SCP基金会
你曾否希望能找到所有以你喜爱的SCP作主要角色的作品呢? 嗯,现在你可以这样了! 这就是给粉丝、作家以及其他有兴趣的人访问那些内容的简单方式。 这将是一个不断发展的列表,所 …
Broken Masquerade Hub - SCP Explained - Wikidot
The Broken Masquerade Canon Hub is an alternate scenario where a XK-scenario resulting in the destruction of most of North Korea, led to the Foundation and many other anomalous groups …