SCP-4457 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-4457指的是发生在加利福尼亚州约洛县的一种现象,在这种现象中,人们渴望着自身消化道器官的“升级”。 SCP-4457是通过其他受影响个体在社交网络上发布的具有认知危害的广告和公共帖子进行感染传播的。 这些帖子都有提到当地的一个健康组织,GoI-2567(“ 几丁质生产有限公司Chitin Creations, Inc. ”)该组织以低价向人们提供消化道器官系统的“升级”。 在个体最初被SCP-4457感染后大约一个月,将会有一辆移动外科手术车来探视该个体,并会随意进出其住处 …
Hyperom - SCP Sandbox III
Item #: SCP-4457. Object Class: Safe Keter Neutralized Keter. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4457 is to be contained in a standard aquatic containment enclosure with a measurement of 4.32 million gallons of sea water. The containment must maintain a temperature of 10 °C at all times to maintain the good health of SCP-4457.
SCP-4457 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
Description: SCP-4457 is a humanoid creature approximately 7 ft 1 in in height and weighing about 38 kilograms. SCP-4457 is extremely strong, fast, and reflexive. It was observed to dodge bullets from an M9 pistol and some rare cases an FNP90 and .50 caliber sniper rifle.
SCP-4458 - SCP Foundation
2024年6月4日 · SCP-4458 is hostile towards humans and will actively seek them out, often using its anomalous ability to do so. Prior to containment, SCP-4458's most common form of attack involved entering a household through a water faucet (showers, sinks, toilets, etc.) in a small size before growing to full size and consuming its target.
SCP-457 - SCP Foundation
2023年10月10日 · SCP-457, having split into two bodies, observes a camera during testing. Item #: SCP-457. Object Class: Euclid/Potential Keter.
SCP系列 5 - SCP基金会
SCP-4457 - 尻足类; SCP-4458 - jaws is gonna get ya; SCP-4459 - The Ringmaster's Crown; SCP-4460 - Humorous Factory; SCP-4461 - 独自在最底之处,不是吗? SCP-4462 - Fan Death; SCP-4463 - 生态系统还原点; SCP-4464 - 狗狗可以大一點; SCP-4465 - 没有人是孤岛一座; SCP-4466 - 为什么拉长个脸? SCP-4467 - 哦 ...
SCP-4456-D - SCP基金会
若SCP-4456个体没有在显现后的二十四小时内获得足够量的资源,它将自主活动并变得具有敌意,试图通过撞击和船上火炮突破收容。 附录4456.1: 在调查SCP-4456的起源时,基金会研究员发现了下列可追溯到公元1500年的文件: 附录4456.2: 为确认SCP-4456上安置的物品去向何处,基金会制造了十枚被设计为完全相同的银币,并为每个银币植入了微型追踪器。 在银币被装进SCP-4456个体后,追踪接收器激活,且立即侦测到全部基金会银币位于普拉多国家博物馆。 调查 …
SCP系列(4000-4999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
4000到4099 禁忌之地 - 禁忌之地scp-4001 - 永恒之亚历山大城scp-4002 - 黑月嚎叫于时界之外scp-4003 - 牛仔,天主教,白垩纪scp-4004 - 成真梦想scp-4005 - 桃花石国桃花源scp-4006 - #马萨诸塞真相scp-4007 - 影…
"Subject's mandible halves were... - The SCP Foundation - Facebook
"Subject's mandible halves were successfully reattached and third-stage effects have spread to the brain, heart, and adrenal glands. Following SCP-4457-1 exiting, subject began to vocalize in limited clicks and buzzes. 32 days after initial expulsion, a single laminated business card was produced from the subject's anal cavity.".
SCP-4457 - Assopods : r/SCP - Reddit
2019年12月16日 · 693K subscribers in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | scpwiki.com
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