SCP-4466 - SCP Foundation
2022年3月15日 · Description: SCP-4466 are quadrupedal mammals, possessing features similar to that of several other known animals. SCP-4466 possess anatomy unable to have naturally …
SCP-4466 - SCP基金会
scp-4466数量应被维持在合理水平(由研究领导人决定),死亡个体将被解剖研究。 描述:scp-4466是一种四足哺乳动物,具有与多种其他已知动物相似的特征。scp-4466具有不可能自然 …
SCP-4666 - SCP Foundation
SCP-4666 will inflict incapacitating injuries to family members while they are sleeping, then herd them into a single room of the dwelling where it will proceed to kill them in view of each other. …
SCP-4465 - SCP基金会
SCP-4465与Arnold Dubar的尸体(割腕放血自杀)被一并发现于一所公寓内。 在发现其尸体的三天前,他的大学舍友、母亲和宠物犬均受到了完全相同的枪伤,从口部下方射穿脑后,且前后 …
SCP-4465 - SCP Foundation
SCP-4465 was found in an apartment along with the body of Arnold Dubar, who committed suicide through exsanguination from the wrists. Three days before the discovery of his body, …
SCP系列(4000-4999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
4000到4099 禁忌之地 - 禁忌之地scp-4001 - 永恒之亚历山大城scp-4002 - 黑月嚎叫于时界之外scp-4003 - 牛仔,天主教,白垩纪scp-4004 - 成真梦想scp-4005 - 桃花石国桃花源scp-4006 - # …
SCP-4466 is a rather interesting creature one that I will look at today.Social Network AccountsJoin My Discord: https://discord.gg/PuSxxEVFacebook: https://w...
SCP-4466 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-4466. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-4466 are to be kept in a containment chamber fit for habitation. Laconic Description: SCP-4466 are horses, …
SCP-4466 - SCP-JPサンドボックスⅢ
scp-4466は草食で家畜化されており(人間の対象に対して非常に友好的)、挑発されない限り大人しくしています。 SCP-4466に最初に曝露される際、人間の対象は必ず混乱、不快感、軽 …
SCP-446 - Манекенщица - SCP Foundation
Описание: SCP-446 в нормальном состоянии выглядит как белая женщина чуть старше 20 лет, волосы коричневые, 18 см на наиболее длинном участке, необычайно яркие …
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