SCP-4626 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-4626. Object Class: Azathoth Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4626 is to be kept inside of a locked steel safe within a 3 meter cubic containment cell, with 0.5m thick concrete walls and a solid steel blast door. One armed …
SCP-4626 - HSB Foundation - ah-sandbox.wikidot.com
SCP-CN系列 CN系列 II (CN-1000 - CN-1999) CN系列 I (CN-001 - CN-999) 搞笑SCP-CN; 已解明SCP-CN; 原创异常物品记录; 原创超常现象记录; 原创基金会故事; 原创短篇故事合集; 原创设定; 原创故事系列; 中文分部征文竞赛; SCP国际 SCP国际翻译中心; SCP国际翻译站; …
SCP-4625 - SCP Foundation
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4625 is to be held in a standard humanoid containment cell, outfitted with four Scranton Reality Anchors and an infrared security camera. SCP-4625 is to undergo counselling with Commander Idani Daniels on a weekly basis. Description: SCP-4625 is a male humanoid of French descent.
SCP-4626 - Єдине, чого нам треба боятися… - SCP Foundation
Опис: SCP-4626 – це невеликий полірований камінь овальної форми. Аналіз показав, що за складом він аналогічний граніту. На поверхні SCP-4626 вирізано символ, який нагадує відкритий людський рот. Аномальний ефект SCP-4626 спрацьовує, коли людина перебуває в радіусі 1 метра від об'єкта довше за 60 секунд.
Master list of non-standard object classes : r/SCP - Reddit
2017年6月25日 · Below is a list of all non-standard object classes used by the SCP Foundation. Each entry contains a basic description of the class, a list of all of the SCPs using it and any interesting historical information.
SCP:4626 : r/cant_sleep - Reddit
2023年7月23日 · SCP agent DRAGON has been tasked with ensuring this never comes to pass. His origins are unknown but an acceptable belief is that he is merely a safe form of the founder, or that of a human meat puppet used by the founder in order to secure, contain, protect.
SCP-Classes - SCPF Special-Containment-Procedures-Foundation …
A classification for SCPs that are incredibly dangerous and destructive. In universe, the class was created by a researcher who was being influenced by an SCP that makes people think it is super dangerous. The class is solely used in SCP-4626. Cernunnos [] Item has been integrated into the Foundation's command structure.
SCP Series 5 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
Trang lưu trữ 'tuyệt mật' của Tổ Chức SCP Chi Nhánh Việt Nam. Nay đã được công khai cho bạn tìm tòi và khám phá. Tổ Chức SCP Lưu trữ, Quản thúc, Bảo vệ ... SCP-4625 - [TRUY CẬP THẤT BẠI] SCP-4626 - [TRUY CẬP THẤT BẠI] SCP-4627 - ...
IoN-4626 Olena Koval | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
Said to be kind and sweet by various personnel across several groups, IoN-4626 is better known as Lady Care within the FAE. She has gotten hostile, specifically towards groups such as the Chaos Insurgency, Marshall Carter & Dark, and other such groups.
SCP-166 - Суккуб-подросток / SCP-166 :: Класс Евклид :: Объекты SCP …
2019年7月5日 · Подробнее The SCP Foundation,Secure. Contain. Protect.,фэндомы,SCP art,SCP-166,Класс Евклид,Объекты SCP,SCP Объекты
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